
  • 网络lunar lander
  1. 奥德赛公司是“Google月球X大奖赛”的参赛者,该比赛将为有能力向月球发射登月飞行器的公司提供2000万美元的奖励。

    This competition offers $ 20 million to any entrant who can launch , land and operate a rover on the lunar surface .

  2. 定常幅值小推力登月飞行器轨道研究

    On constant - amplitude low - thrust lunar probe trajectories

  3. 登月飞行器软着陆轨道的遗传算法优化

    Genetic algorithm optimization of lunar probe soft-landing trajectories

  4. 定常推力登月飞行器最优软着陆轨道研究

    Study on Soft-landing Trajectories of Constant-thrust-amplitude Lunar Probe

  5. 小推力登月飞行器轨道初步研究

    Preliminary study on minimum-fuel lunar probe trajectories

  6. 有限推力登月飞行器燃料消耗研究

    Fuel Consumption Estimation of Limited-Thrust Lunar Probe

  7. 高官们说他们将购买现存火箭和太空舱用以发射,并开发新式航天服和登月飞行器。

    Executives say they will buy existing rockets and capsules for the launches , developing new spacesuits and a lunar lander .

  8. 进行了基于二体模型和平面三体模型的登月飞行器轨道控制方法的初步研究。

    Preliminary research on lunar probe orbit control technology based on planar two bodies model and planar polar three bodies model is introduced in this paper .