
dēnɡ shān shénɡ
  • climbing rope;alpine hemp
  1. 一顶点被丢弃的登山绳,一些被撕破的塑料薄膜或甚至是一只旧的徒步旅行靴,在野外都会大有用处。

    A bit of discarded climbing rope , some ripped plastic sheeting or even an old hiking boot can be of great use in the woods .

  2. 然后在妻子和攀登同伴玛丽·安托万的帮助下,他利用鱼线将他的登山绳拉倒树上。

    Then with the help of wife and climbing partner Marie Antoine , he uses the line to hoist his climbing rope into the tree .

  3. 登山绳归位后,史蒂夫和玛丽走进冠层中。

    With the rope in place , Steve and Marie walk their way up into the canopy .

  4. 这些专用的尼龙登山绳比起那些旧型号的绳子的断裂点要高许多。

    Some of these special nylon mountaineering ropes have a breaking point considerably higher than those of the old type .