
  • 网络Under the Banyan Tree
  1. 在榕树下你用乳油般柔嫩的手挤着牛奶。

    Under the banyan tree you were milking the cow with your hands , tender and fresh as butter .

  2. 牛群在草场吃草,牧童坐在大榕树下,悠闲地编织着红豆花环,他喜欢投入耶摩那清而深的河水中激起水花。

    The herd boy who grazes his cattle sitting under the banyan tree , and idly weaves gunjaflowers into gar-lands , who loves to splash and plunge in the Jamuna 's cool deep stream .

  3. 看,小玲正坐在那棵大榕树下的草地上。

    Look , Xiaoling is sitting on the grass under the big banyan tree .

  4. 牧童在榕树下做他的倦梦,

    The shepherd boy drowsed and dreamed in the shadow of the banyan tree ,

  5. 第一次尝试散文诗体,我会努力。我喜欢《榕树下》她将会造就无数的作家、诗人和小说家。

    It will give birth to a great many writers and poets in the near future .

  6. 同学们聚集在榕树下,感受着春的蓬勃,春的希望。

    The classmates come together under the banyan , feeling the spring booming , the hope of the spring .

  7. 榕树下的城市空间&析温州城市空间设计中的生态性、地域性和行为支持

    Urban Space Surrounded with Ficus microcarpa - Discussion on Ecological Feature , Regional Feature and Activity Support in Urban Space Design

  8. 牧童在榕树下沉入梦乡,而我在水边躺下,在草地上伸展我疲劳的肢体。

    The shepherd boy drowsed and dreamed in the shadow of the banyan tree , and I laid myself down by the water and stretched my tired limbs on the grass .

  9. 一条篱笆小道弯弯曲曲指向村落,榕树下,有女子在做鞋,衣服保持着壮族的打扮,鞋面、领子、衣襟上都细细地绣上了花。

    Point to a fence trail winding village , the banyan tree , a woman in shoes , clothes , dressed in keeping with the Zhuang , upper , collar , embroidered skirts , both on and makes a flower .

  10. 牧童躺在榕树的荫下睡着了。

    The shepherd boy lay asleep under the shadow of the banyan tree .