
  • 网络Rongjiang County
  1. 榕江县是贵州侗民族集中的聚居地,侗族风情十分浓郁。

    Rongjiang county is inhabited mainly by people of the Dong nationality .

  2. 榕江县隶属贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州,其历史文化悠久,民族文化底蕴深厚,在贵州省民族文化进校园的实践探索中已走过7年历程。

    Rongjiang belongs to qian southeast miao and dong nationality Autonomous state Guizhou province . Rongjiang has a long history and colorful ethnic culture , and " Ethnic Culture Entering Campus " has being implemented for 7 years .

  3. 贵州省榕江县宰荡村侗汉双语教学实验项目考察之三

    The Third Investigation on the Experiment Item of Dong-Han Bilingual Teaching

  4. 榕江县幼儿教师资源投入总量少且现存教师资源结构配置不合理,队伍不稳定。

    The kindergarten teacher resources investment total quantity few , occupies in the school funds constitution the proportion are few , the extant teacher resources structure disposes unreasonable , and the troop is unstable .

  5. 方法VCD母带制作完成后,在贵州省黔东南州榕江和剑河县进行2轮预试验。

    METHODS After completing VCD script , were made in Rongjiang and Jianhe County , Guizhou Province .