
  • 网络Majiang County;Mal Hab;Majiang Condado;Majiang Grafschaft
  1. 历史记忆与族群认同&麻江县河坝瑶族隔冬仪式的人类学考察

    Historical Memory And Ethnic Identity : An Anthropological Study of the Gedong Rites among the Heba Yao People in the County of MaJiang

  2. 本文从分析麻江县现状到职业中学目前存在的极端问题入手,并加以论证。

    This article from analyzes the Majiang County present situation to obtain to the Vocational middle school present existence violent question , and proves .

  3. 应用加权关联度分析评价我国碘缺乏病防治效果贵州省麻江县河坝公社地方性甲状腺肿用1/5万碘盐防治效果观察总结

    Comprehensive assessment on result from Chinese iodine deficiency disorders prevention cure effect by weighted incidence degree analyses

  4. 本文以贵州省黔东南州麻江、三穗两县作为调查区域,走访了大量的农户,对少数民族地区农村最低生活保障问题的现状与运行机制进行了调查研究。

    This thesis chooses Majiang 、 Sansui county , Guizhou province as research region , and has a deep investigation and study on the current situation as well as operating mechanism of rural minimum living standard security system problems in ethnic areas by the household survey .