
  • 网络taro aso;Aso taro
  1. 日本新首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)同样呼吁更有力的监管体系。

    Japan 's new prime minister , Taro Aso , also called for stronger regulation .

  2. 日本财政大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)警告称,这可能“丧失市场的信任”。

    Taro Aso , Japan 's finance minister , warned that this could " lose the market 's trust . "

  3. 至于外务大臣一职,安倍留给了曾与他角逐首相职位的现任外相麻生太郎(TaroAso)。

    As foreign minister , Mr Abe stuck with Taro Aso , the incumbent , who ran against him for the premiership .

  4. 仅仅两个星期前,日本内阁官房长官还刻意淡化了财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)比较积极的言论。

    Barely two weeks ago , the cabinet secretary rowed back on more positive comments from Taro Aso , the finance minister .

  5. 日本首相麻生太郎昨天表示,美国政府即将推出的经济刺激计划中购买美国货条款,有违世界贸易组织(WTO)的原则。目前,国际社会对美国这一计划的反对声浪正在升级。

    A proposed Buy American provision in Washington 's forthcoming economic stimulus bill would breach the principles of the World Trade Organisation , Japan 's prime minister asserted yesterday in an escalation of international opposition to the US plans .

  6. 在距离必须召集大选最多还有五个月之时,日本首相麻生太郎(taroaso)正把大把钞票撒向对他不再抱有幻想的选民。

    With at most five months to go before he must call elections , Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso is throwing cash at disenchanted voters .

  7. 麻生太郎(TaroAso)看上去不像一艘正在沉没的船上忧心忡忡的船长,他大步走入一间雅致的会议室,脸上带着标志性的歪嘴露齿笑容。

    Taro Aso does not look like the beleaguered captain of a sinking ship as he strides into an elegant meeting room sporting his trademark lopsided grin .

  8. 落败的自民党总裁、日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)表示,鉴于选举显示出了人民的失望,他将辞去自民党党魁职务。

    Taro Aso , defeated LDP president and prime minister , said he would step down as party leader after a poll that had shown people 's disappointment .

  9. 72岁的日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)最近开玩笑说,老年人应该赶紧去世,这样他们就不会挤占公共资金。

    Taro Aso , the 72-year-old finance minister , recently joked that old people should hurry up and die so that they did not drain the public purse .

  10. 日本新任首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)昨日表示,美国向银行注资2500亿美元的计划不足以遏止股市下跌。

    Taro Aso , Japan 's newly appointed prime minister , said yesterday that US plans to invest $ 250bn in banks were insufficient to stop stock prices from falling .

  11. 72岁的日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)最近开玩笑说,老年人应该“赶紧去世”,这样他们就不会挤占公共资金。

    Taro Aso , the 72-year-old finance minister , recently joked that old people should " hurry up and die " so that they did not drain the public purse .

  12. 上月,日本副首相兼财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)对通胀目标表示怀疑,称需要相当长时间才能达到这个目标。

    Last month , Taro Aso , his deputy who also serves as finance minister , cast doubt on the target , saying a considerable period of time was needed to reach it .

  13. 将自己描述为“政治斗士”的安倍,选择了一个主要由保守人士组成的内阁,并让鹰派人物麻生太郎(taroaso)留任外交大臣一职。

    Mr Abe , who describes himself as " a politician who fights " , has chosen a cabinet dominated by conservatives and kept the hawkish Taro Aso in his previous post as foreign minister .

  14. 现年66岁的麻生太郎(taroaso)是安倍的盟友,也最有可能接任其职务,但他可能要面对现年71岁、处于半退休状态的党内前辈福田康夫(yasuofukuda)的挑战。

    Taro Aso , 66 , an ally of Mr Abe and the most obvious choice to replace him , looked likely to be challenged by Yasuo Fukuda , 71 , a semi-retired party elder .

  15. 日本外交大臣麻生太郎(taroaso)昨日表示,日本政府正考虑通过一项法律,使其更容易参与联合国主导的检查进出朝鲜货物的行动。

    The Japanese government is considering passing a law to make it easier for it to participate in United Nations-led inspections of cargos going in and out of North Korea , Taro Aso , foreign minister , said yesterday .

  16. 在日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)努力应对历史性衰退和赢回选民信心之际,中川昭一的辞职将令他失去一位重量级的政治盟友和关键的内阁成员。

    His departure will deprive Taro Aso , prime minister , of a heavyweight political ally and key cabinet member just as he struggles to respond to a recession of historic proportions and win back the confidence of voters .

  17. 日本财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)在一个新闻发布会上说,日本不会考虑加入亚投行,除非该行证明自己拥有严格的放贷标准,包括对开发项目的环境和社会影响的评估。

    The finance minister , Taro Aso , told a news conference that Japan would not contemplate joining until the new bank demonstrated that it had strict lending standards , including assessments of the environmental and social impacts of development projects .

  18. 麻生太郎表示,他将任命日本经济财政大臣与谢野馨(kaoruyosano)接替中川昭一的财政大臣职务,同时继续履行其现有职务。

    Mr Aso said he would appoint Kaoru Yosano , Minister for economic and fiscal policy , to replace Mr Nakagawa as finance minister in addition to his current portfolio .

  19. 在外交和战略方面,与外在感情象征相反,安倍晋三与其鹰派外相麻生太郎(taroaso)继续着他们前任的工作,在与中国打交道时至少像前辈一样强硬。

    When it comes to diplomacy and strategy , as opposed to emotional symbolism , Mr Abe and Taro Aso , his hawkish foreign minister , have continued the work of their predecessors and are at least as robust in their approach to China .

  20. 日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)宣布计划在8月30日举行大选。民调显示,这可能标志着分崩离析、士气低落的自民党(LDP)在全球第二大经济体的长期统治将就此结束。

    Taro Aso , Japan 's prime minister , has announced plans for an August 30 general election that opinion polls suggest could mark the end of the divided and dispirited Liberal Democratic party 's long dominance over the world 's second largest economy .

  21. 日本首相麻生太郎(taroaso)勇敢地表示,顺差国家应“增强内需”,但却称这应“顺应本国国情”,由此给自己或者未来的日本政府设置了一个逃避条款。

    Taro Aso , the Japanese Prime Minister , courageously said surplus countries should " enhance internal demand " but gave himself , or a future Japanese administration , a get-out clause by saying this should be " in keeping with their individual circumstances " .

  22. 昨日,鸠山由纪夫在东京举办的一个环境论坛上发表演讲,誓言将坚持25%的减排目标,这一目标远远高于前任麻生太郎(TaroAso)所承诺的8%的目标。

    In a speech to a Tokyo environmental forum yesterday , Mr Hatoyama , who is due to become prime minister on September 16 , vowed to stick to the 25 per cent target , far above the 8 per cent target pledged by his predecessor , Taro Aso .

  23. 大多数分析人士认为,奥巴马和麻生太郎的首脑会谈大体上具有一种象征意义。

    Most analysts believe the Obama-Aso summit is largely symbolic .

  24. 而日本一份报纸说,日本首相麻生太郎在国内之支持率是11%。

    Japanese newspaper says Prime Minister Aso 's approval rating is11 percent .

  25. 麻生太郎过去发表过引起外交争议的言论。

    Aso has made diplomatically controversial comments in the past .

  26. 日本财政部长麻生太郎在布里斯班,2014年11月15日

    Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso in Brisbane on November 15 , 2014

  27. 不过,奥巴马和麻生太郎的合作可能不会太长久。

    But the Obama-Aso partnership may not last long .

  28. 资深人士暗示,麻生太郎甚至可能坚持不到大选。

    Senior figures suggest Mr Aso might not last even until the election .

  29. 渡边喜美一直是麻生太郎财政政策的主要批评者。

    Mr Watanabe has been a leading critic of Mr Aso 's fiscal policy .

  30. 预计,在奥巴马跟麻生太郎之会谈中安全问题也会占重要份量。

    Security issues were also expected to play a big part in the meeting .