
má zuì xué
  • anesthesiology;narcology
  1. 密歇根大学医学院(UniversityofMichiganMedicalSchool)的麻醉学教授乔治·马舒尔(GeorgeMashour)表示,对于大多数接受吸入麻醉的患者而言,尚无比半个世纪前研发的用药剂量指标效果更好的知觉观察方法。

    For most patients receiving inhaled anesthesia , they 're no better at spotting awareness than dosing metrics developed half a century ago , says George Mashour , a professor of anesthesiology at the University of Michigan Medical School .

  2. 关于意识的神经机制的研究兴起于20世纪90年代。美国加州大学欧文分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine)的麻醉学副教授迈克尔·阿尔基尔(MichaelAlkire)是最早参与此类研究的科学家之一。

    Michael Alkire , associate professor of anesthesiology at the University of California , Irvine , was one of the first people involved in the search for neural correlates of consciousness , back in the 1990s .

  3. EBM以令人信服的临床证据,带来了麻醉学实践革命性的改变。

    EBM has brought about fundamental changes in anaesthesiology through convincing clinical evidence .

  4. 麻醉学中的批判性思维:第八届荣誉FAER研究讲座。

    Critical Thinking in Anesthesia : Eighth Honorary FAER Research Lecture .

  5. 在2013年6月的《麻醉学》(Anesthesiology)杂志上,马舒尔建议:使用一台监测仪来专门监测大脑内部的通讯能力。

    In the June 2013 issue of the journal Anesthesiology , Mashour proposed just that : a monitor that focuses on the brain 's ability to communicate within itself .

  6. 在现代临床麻醉学上,脑电信号分析成为麻醉深度监测的主要手段。其中,对于中潜伏期听觉诱发电位(MLAEP)信号的研究越来越受到重视。

    Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) has become the main method of monitoring the depth of anesthesia in modern clinic anesthesiology , and the study of middle latency auditory evoked potentials ( MLAEP ) has been widely supplied .

  7. 医学留学生临床麻醉学教学实践与体会

    Practice and experience of clinical anesthesiology teaching for medical foreign students

  8. 汶川地震灾区伤员现场救治的麻醉学管理

    Anesthetic management of field treatment for traumatic patients in Wenchuan earthquake

  9. 临床麻醉学随机对照试验方法学分析

    Methodological Evaluation of Clinical Randomized Controlled Trials in Clinical Anesthesiology

  10. 麻醉学临床技能模拟训练中心建设的探索

    Exploration on setting up anesthesiology clinical skill simulation training center

  11. 探究式教学法应用于麻醉学专业课教学的实践与评价

    Practice and evaluation of application of inquiry-based instruction method to anesthesiology course

  12. 高端模拟系统在麻醉学临床技能训练中的应用

    Application of advanced simulation system in anesthesiology clinical skill training

  13. 这项研究发表于英国麻醉学杂志。

    The study is in the British Journal of Anaesthesia .

  14. 研究发表在十月版的麻醉学上。

    The study is in the October issue of Anesthesiology .

  15. 设置麻醉学专业体外循环学方向五年制本科教育的思考

    Thoughts on setting up professional direction of cardiopulmonary bypass of anesthesiology undergraduate education

  16. 设置:大学医院的麻醉学和危重互利神经外科病房。

    Setting : Anesthesiology and Critical Care Neurosurgical Unit of a university hospital .

  17. 全身麻醉作用机理研究已有百年的历史,特别是中枢作用部位,至今仍然是国内外麻醉学界十分关注而又悬而未决的研究课题。

    The mechanism of general anesthesia has been studied for about 150 years .

  18. 增加临床医学本科专业麻醉学相关课时的必要性

    Necessity of Increasing the Teaching Hours of Anesthesiology Course for Clinical Medicine Undergraduate

  19. 麻醉学研究生教育是将来麻醉学专业人才培养的主要方向。

    Anesthesiology postgraduates education will be the key educational direction in the future .

  20. 使用动物对于发展麻醉学具有至关重要的作用。

    The use of animals has been central to the development of anaesthetics .

  21. 浅谈麻醉学留学生的临床带教

    Discussion on Clinical Teaching of Students Abroad in Anesthesiology

  22. 建立我国麻醉学专业规范化住院医师培训制度

    Construct the System of Standard Training to Resident in Anaesthesia in Our Country

  23. 麻醉学学科建设策略浅论

    Discussion on the Mentality of the Anesthesiology Discipline Construction

  24. 欢迎全国各地有志学子到我院麻醉学专业学习!

    Welcome the students with ideal all over the country to study here !

  25. 为麻醉学科研创造条件;

    Created condition for the research of anesthesia ;

  26. 临床医学专业单独开设麻醉学课程的探索

    Exploration of setting up the course of anesthesiology separately in specialty of clinical medicine

  27. 他雇用了一名新的麻醉学顾问医生。

    He hired a new consultant in anaesthetics .

  28. 如果可能的话,我愿意工作在一个理论性的环境里,教别人麻醉学。

    I also had worked in an academic setting , teaching others to practice anesthesiology .

  29. 系统论方法在现代麻醉学中的运用

    Application of System Methods in Current Anesthesiology

  30. 材料:实验于2000-01/03在徐州医学院江苏省麻醉学重点实验室进行。

    Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Anesthesiology .