
  • 网络Radiology;Radiation Medicine;Nuclear Medicine
  1. 因此,如何治疗放射性肺炎以延缓其向肺纤维化发展,已成为放射医学领域研究的一个热点。

    Therefore , in order to defer the occurrence of pulmonary fibrosis , how to treat radiation pneumonitis has become a hot research field in radiology .

  2. 要实现放射医学影像的全面数字化,最关键的是无片化,这就是后来诞生的DR系统。

    To realize the complete digitization of radiology image , the key is to make it filmless , which leads to the development of DR system .

  3. 在辐射生物学和放射医学中,DNA和RNA是电离辐射引致细胞杀伤或转化的主要靶分子。

    In radiation biology and radiation medicine , DNA and RNA is the major target of ionizing radiation induced cell killing or transformation .

  4. 随着医疗成像技术水平的提高,医疗影像设备产生的数字图像不断激增,推动了临床诊断和放射医学领域内图像存档和通信系统(PACS)的蓬勃发展。

    The development of imaging techniques and the increasing proportion of medical imaging modalities that generate digital images have naturally lead to the development of Picture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS ) emerging in clinical and radiological environments .

  5. 进行首例治疗的PMH团队包括外科专家、放射医学专家(放射肿瘤学家、物理学家及临床专家)和护理人员。

    The PMH team combined the expertise of surgeons , radiation medicine specialists ( radiation oncologists , physicists and therapists ) and nurses to perform its first procedure .

  6. 背景:造血干细胞移植(HSCT)是一项系统工程,涉及诸多学科如干细胞生物学、移植免疫学、血液学、放射医学。

    Background : It is a system engineering that the haematopoietic stem cells transplantation ( HSCT ), involving many courses , such as stem cell biology , transplantation immunology , hematology and radiation medicine .

  7. 加强放射医学特色专业建设的思考与举措

    Strengthening the Characteristic Specialty Development of Radiation Medicine Thinking and Measures

  8. 单细胞凝胶电泳在放射医学中的应用

    Applications of single cell gel electrophoresis assay in radiation research

  9. 文章的重点作为放射医学专业。

    The article focuses on radiology as a medical specialty .

  10. 恐怖袭击的威胁&放射医学与防护面临的挑战

    Threats from terrorism attack & Radiological medicine and protection being confronted with challenge

  11. 在放射医学研究中应用的卫生影视技术

    Application of television technology in researches of radiation medicine

  12. 干细胞在放射医学研究中的进展

    The advancement of stem cells in radiation medicine

  13. 放射医学在特大地震伤员诊治中的应用价值

    Clinical application of radiation Medicine in diagnosis and treatment of injury at Wenchuan Earthquake

  14. 在辐射防护和放射医学等领域得到广泛应用。

    It finds wide usage in the field of radiation protection and radiation medicine .

  15. 方法:选用军事医学科学院放射医学研究所和海军总医院最新研制的全息立体视觉检查仪,用普查方法对老年人进行立体视觉检查、统计和分析。

    Methods : The stereopsis of aged people were examined with holographic stereopsis test instrument .

  16. 军事医学科学院放射医学研究所激光医学研究室

    Department of Laser Medicine , Institute of Radiation Medicine , Academy of Military Medical Sciences

  17. 中华放射医学与防护杂志

    Chinese Journal of Radiation Mediation and Protection

  18. 放射医学与核医学研究所

    Institute of Radiological Medicine and Nuclear Medicine

  19. 放射医学实验室废水管理

    Waste Water Management in Radiation Medicine Laboratories

  20. 放射医学的历史与展望

    History and development of Radiation Medicine

  21. 学生们希望得到类似放射医学这样的培训时间短工作时间少的工作。

    Students want shorter training and less demanding hours which they can get in areas like radiology .

  22. 放射医学展望

    Prospects of radioactive medicine

  23. 在现代放射医学中,医用相机在医学成像系统中是必不可少的设备。

    In modern medicine radiology , the medical camera is the necessary equipment in the medical radioauto ˉ graph .

  24. 医学图像信息融合是医学图像处理、放射医学及医学影像学领域近几年兴起的一种新技术。

    Medical image fusion is a new technology which integrates the medical image processing , radiology and medical image diagnoses .

  25. 此领域培训课程包括牙科术语和解剖学、牙科疾病预防、放射医学以及药理学。

    Training in this field includes dental terminology and anatomy , prevention of dental disease , radiology , and pharmacology .

  26. 介入放射医学的发展,使热疗和化疗的联合成为可能,称之为介入性热化疗。

    With the improvement of interventional therapy , the combination of thermotherapy and chemotherapy come possible , which is called intervention of thermo-chemotherapy .

  27. 放射医学经历医学放射生物学和原子医学两个阶段后在新的社会需要下又有新的发展。

    After two stages of medical radiobiology and atomic medicine , there is new development of radiation medicine to meet new need of society .

  28. 这是放射医学、辐射剂量学与辐射防护面临的重大课题,也是广大公众所深为关心的切身利害问题。

    It is a problem that the public are concerned about and a great challenge to radiation medicine , radiation dosimetry and radiation protection .

  29. 分子影像学是一门新兴的交叉学科,涉及到分子生物学、物理学、数学、信息科学、放射医学等多个学科。

    Molecular imaging is a new interdisciplinary subject , involving the molecular biology , physics , mathematics , the information science , the radiation medicine and so on .

  30. 昨日采集到的食品样本已经交由复旦大学放射医学研究所以及上海市疾病预防控制中心检测,预计今天就将出结果。

    Food samples collected yesterday have been sent to the laboratories of the Institute of Radiation Medicine of Fudan University and Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention . It will take a day before the results are known .