
sēn lín bǎo hù
  • forestry preservation, forest conservation, forest protection
  1. 气候顺应试验方案是19亿美元的战略性气候基金(StrategicClimateFund)的一部分,后者管理着资助低收入国家的森林保护和可再生能源的方案。

    The climate resilience pilot program is part of the $ 1.9 billion Strategic Climate Fund , which administers programs financing forest preservation and renewable energy in low-income countries .

  2. 草地为88.53t·hm-2。据此认为,植树造林及森林保护是缓解大气CO2浓度上升的有效措施。

    As the results , expanding afforestation and forest protection were effective measures to mitigate the rising of CO 2 in atmosphere .

  3. 最近,争论了10年之久的接近60m英亩的国家森林保护区(未被任何道路破坏)的去留问题,引起了政治界的广泛关注。

    Thus the political heat that has attended a decade-old argument over the future of nearly60m acres of national forest , which is currently unbroken by any road .

  4. 供研究标本保放在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。

    The type specimens are deposited in the Forest Protection Laboratory of Anhui Agricultural University ( AAUFP ), Hefei .

  5. 论述了森林保护与生物多样性的关系,提出保护森林和生物多样性的措施。

    Discussed forest conservation and biodiversity , forest biodiversity protection measures .

  6. 广南县岩溶森林保护及石漠化治理

    Forest Protection and Lithification Control of Karst Area in Guangnan County

  7. 第三章森林保护为第三人利益的合同

    Chapter Three Forest Protection Contract for the Third Party 's Benefit

  8. 最近在森林保护方面的大力推进能有多少成算?

    Does the recent push on forest conservation stand much chance ?

  9. 论我国森林保护中的若干法律问题

    Several legal problems existing in forest protection in our country

  10. 昆虫性信息素在森林保护中起着日益重要的作用。

    Sex pheromones play increasingly important roles in forest protection .

  11. 中俄森林保护若干法律制度的比较研究

    Comparison on the Forest Protection Laws and Institutions in China and Russia

  12. 到1974年,四分之一的森林保护区已被砍伐一空。

    A quarter of the forest reserves had been cut down by1974 .

  13. 建立森林保护区,立法禁止猎杀动物。

    Build forest reserves , and pass law prohibiting the killing animals .

  14. 圭亚那已实施了一项森林保护计划。

    A forest conservation programme has been launched in guyana .

  15. 大规模的森林保护之所以困难,也是因为每片森林都有所不同。

    Large-scale forest conservation is difficult because no two forests are alike .

  16. 注重水土、森林保护,开发与保护并举;

    Paying special attention to the protection of water , soil , forestry ;

  17. 附随义务与合同对第三人的保护效力第三章森林保护

    Subordinated Obligation and Contract Protecting the Third Party ; Chapter Three Forest Protection

  18. 林农乡土技术对农户家庭年收入及森林保护意识的影响

    Effect of indigenous technology of agroforestry on income and consciousness of forest protection

  19. 三个月以后,森林保护区重新开放。

    Three months Iater when the forest reserve opened .

  20. 4万名城市学生通过在森林保护区的工作认识了大自然。

    000 city students are discovering nature by spending time in forest reserves .

  21. 森林保护系副系主任。江苏省动物学会理事,江苏省。

    Member of council of the association of Zoological Society of Jiangsu province .

  22. 中国历史上的森林保护和农田开发

    Forest Protection and Farmland Development in Ancient China

  23. 这是一片森林保护区。

    Medicine is no longer a male preserve .

  24. 根据实际需要在大面积林区增加护林设施,加强森林保护;

    Add forest protection facilities and enhance forest protection in light of actual needs ;

  25. 森林保护用低速风洞的研制

    Research on Wind Tunnel Used in Forest Protection

  26. 森林保护是应对气候变化合作的重要内容。

    Forest protection is an important content of cooperation in dealing with climate change .

  27. 海南岛热带气候问题与森林保护

    Tropical Climate and Forest Protection in Hainan Island

  28. 中国东北长白山森林保护区多孔菌科简记

    A note of the Polyporaceae in the Chang Bai Shan Forest Reserve in northeastern China

  29. 完善森林保护立法是防灾兴利之本

    To Perfect the Legislation of Forest Law is Strategical in Preventing Floods and Benefiting the People

  30. 记者:但究竟是什么让你们想到将债务免除与森林保护联系起来?

    REPORTER : But why exactly are you tying in the debt relief to forest conservation ?