
yuán lín
  • gardens;park;landscape garden
园林 [yuán lín]
  • [landscape garden;park] 专供人游玩休息的种植了花草树木的地方

  • 园林艺术

园林[yuán lín]
  1. 苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名。

    Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens .

  2. �城乡建设应当结合当地自然环境的特点,保护植被、水域和自然景观,加强城市园林、绿地和风景名胜区的建设。

    In urban and rural construction , vegetation , waters and the natural landscape shall be protected and attention paid to the construction of gardens , green land and historic sites and scenic spots in the cities in the light of the special features of the local natural environment .

  3. 园林建筑学现今被公认是美术的一种。

    Landscape architecture is today recognized as one of the fine arts .

  4. 几株红梅把雪后的园林点缀得格外美丽。

    Embellished with red plum blossoms , the garden looked even more beautiful after the snow .

  5. 那位园林工人修剪了树篱。

    The gardener trimmed the hedge .

  6. 园林植物可吸滞灰尘。

    Plants can absorb dust .

  7. 在豫园,你可以看到中国古典园林建筑。classical古典的;经典的architecture建筑;

    You can see the classical Chinese garden architecture in Yu Garden .

  8. 一个农民买了一块破旧、荒废的农场,他计划着把农场改造成一座欣欣向荣的园林。

    A farmer purchases an old , run-down , abandoned farm with plans to turn it into a thriving enterprise .

  9. 北京市园林绿化局建议人们在飞絮期间外出时佩戴口罩、墨镜、纱巾等防护用品。

    The Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau encourages people to wear masks , sunglasses or shawls to protect themselves during the catkins period .

  10. 据《北京晨报》援引北京市园林局的信息显示,目前,北京约有200万株杨柳树雌株,每年春季都产生大量飞絮。

    Beijing has about 2 million female poplar and willow3 trees which produce catkins to spread their seeds every spring , the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscape and Forestry4 ( BMBLF ) was quoted as saying on Wednesday by the Beijing Morning Post .

  11. 应用RS、GIS技术建立城市园林绿化地理信息系统

    Using RS and GIS technology to set up the City Landscape Green Geographical Information System

  12. 且听自然的呼唤&风景园林师眼中的IGA

    Summons of the Nature & IGA in the Memory of Landscape Architects

  13. 目前,园林设计大多使用没有经过专业开发的Autocad通用软件,缺乏园林菜单,树木图标多为设计人员临时自制或从其他图形中引用,很不方便。

    Most of landscape designers use the software AutoCAD that is not developed professionally and inconvenient .

  14. ISO质量管理体系在园林工程中的实践&PDCA循环在园林工程施工阶段的运用

    Apply ISO quality management system in the landscape project & apply PDCA circle into the landscape project construct control

  15. 结合生态型园林城市管理系统这一软件的研发过程,介绍了一种基于数据库的统计管理系统,第一次把POWERBUILDER应用在生态型园林城市管理方面。

    This paper presents a management system which is the first application of Power Builder based on the database with the programming of the software about the management on the ecotype garden city .

  16. VAM对几种园林草坪草侵染的显微观察

    Microscopical observation of VAM to several garden lawn plants

  17. 其中滴滴涕占总有机氯农药类POPs物质的98.9%,是北京地区土壤中残留有机氯农药类POPs物质的主要成分,城市公园、园林土壤是城市滴滴涕的主要污染源。

    DDTs was the primary compound in soil samples , accounting for 98.9 % of the pesticides POPs . The source of DDTs was garden soils in city parks .

  18. 文中叙述两件获奖ADI铸件:建筑和园林用的装载机ADI驱动轮铸件和福特野马眼睛蛇(FordMustangCobra)跑车底盘悬架控制臂。

    One of five ADI castings is ADI drive wheel of loading machine used for architecture and park . The other is Ford Mustang Cobra 's chassis IRS control arm .

  19. 利用Autocad标准菜单开放的功能,结合幻灯片制作和图像控件菜单定制等技术,来制作标准化的园林树木图标下拉菜单,从而提高园林设计的工作效率。

    Based on the standard menu of AutoCAD , by using the technique of making slides and customized menu , the designers can make landscape trees drawing control menu , so as to achieve an increase in the working efficiency of landscape design .

  20. 扶芳藤(Euonymusfortunei)为卫矛科卫矛属藤本状灌木植物。因其四季常绿、可塑性好和抗逆能力强而广泛应用于园林绿化、沙漠防治和水土保持。

    Support the Euonymus fortunei is a kind of good park green turn 、 desert prevention and the water and soil conservation plant , get the extensive application because of it all the year round often green , plasticity good , resistance is strong .

  21. 分析不同时期ASLA评奖标准的嬗变,阐述其对美国风景园林发展所起的积极作用,为转型发展中的中国风景园林带来启示和借鉴。

    Three different trends in setting the criteria of ASLA Awards in different times are introduced first and then their active influences are analyzed to find out the reasons for its success in order to provide inspiration and reference for the development of Chinese landscape architecture .

  22. 城市园林绿化与城市历史文化传承

    Urban Garden Greening and Urban Historic and Cultural Passing and Spreading

  23. 突出自然风景与人文景观协调和谐的园林化特点;

    Stress natural scenery and humanity landscape coordinative harmonious garden characteristic ;

  24. 综合防治食叶性害虫与生态园林

    Integrated management of the leaf-eating pest and ecosystem of the garden

  25. 重庆市域现存传统园林、建筑和民居调查初报

    Investigation Report of Traditional Gardens , Buildings and Settlements in Chongqing

  26. 但居住小区园林景观方面的评价很少,并且没有明确的评价指标和完整的评价体系。

    But the evaluations of residential quarter architectural landscape are few .

  27. 园林树木净菌作用及其主要影响因子

    Effect of Cleaning Bacteria of Gardening Trees and Its Affecting Factors

  28. 寺庙园林植物选择有其自身的特点。

    The disposition of the temple gardens has its own peculiarities .

  29. 制订了合理选择和应用园林植物的综合指标;

    Comprehensive standards are decided for selecting and developing garden plants .

  30. 平顶山市创建园林城市的差距与对策探讨

    Discussion on disparity and countermeasures of building garden city in Pingdingshan