
yuán lín xiáo pǐn
  • garden feature
  1. ③园林小品、铺装设计及制作水平不高;

    Low level of both artistic creation and designs for auxiliary decoration ;

  2. 园林小品造景是公园结构系统的重要组成部分。

    Sketch of garden landscape is an important part of the park system .

  3. 园林小品如何与时俱进?

    Garden to keep pace with the times ?

  4. 武汉中山公园园林小品的应用与探讨

    Discussion on the Utilization of Garden Artistic Creation in Zhongshan Park of Wuhan City

  5. 园林小品与环境的关系

    The Relationship between Park Essay and Environment

  6. 浅析园林小品在城市公园中的作用

    Role of Garden in Urban Park

  7. 应该说,好的绿化是一个精致的园林小品、是一幅画。

    It should be said that Green is a good variety of exquisite gardens , is a painting .

  8. 但城市户外家具既不等同于公共环境设施又不等同于园林小品,是家具却又不同于室内家具。

    Urban outdoor furniture can not equal the public environmental facilities , and it shouldni-tbe regarded as simple garden ornament .

  9. 分析研究了园林小品的特点、变化和规律,并对园林小品与环境建设的关系进行了探讨。

    The feature , variation and regularity of the park essay s are analyzed and relationship between the park essay and environmental construction discussed .

  10. 以园林小品造景为重要设计部分的园林绿地空间,在现代城市建设中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In the garden landscape is an important part of garden green space design , it plays an increasingly important effect in the modern city construction .

  11. 地域特色园林小品的心理归属意义思考&以沈阳北运河滨水绿地规划为例

    The Thoughts of Psychological Attribution Meaning of Garden Essay with Region Characteristics & Take the Landscape Planning of the North Canal in Shenyang City as Example

  12. 而园林小品则具有强烈的新装饰主义艺术细节,充分体现了社区尊贵典雅的大家风范。

    While details with strong neo-art deco style are reflected in the garden ornaments , which fully presnts the dignified and elegant quality of the community .

  13. 未来园林小品设计的使命就是景观美学理论指导个性设计,创作有思想有灵魂的设计作品,让自然、人、精神和谐统一。

    Future of landscape design mission is landscape esthetics theory to guide the character design , creative thinking , the soul of design work , so natural , human , spiritual harmony .

  14. 大多数花园建于2000年后,附属于营业性建筑,如餐厅、会所等等,开始重蹈模仿欧洲古典主义的覆辙,花草色彩缤纷,喷泉、雕塑成为主要园林小品。

    Most of gardens which belong to the commercial buildings like restaurants and clubs are built after 2000 . Those gardens try to mimic the European classical gardens with fountain and sculptures .

  15. 并对主题公园的地形、水体、建筑、植物、道路、园林小品六大景观构成要素进行了深入探讨。

    The paper also goes deep into the six major components of landscape , such as landform , waters , architecture , plants , paths , garden artistic creation of the theme park .

  16. 认为,只有结合园林小品的功能、特点进行合理的植物配置,才能提高园林小品的使用价值,并产生理想的园林景观效果。

    The paper points out that only the garden ornaments are reasonably arranged to plants on the basis of their function and characteristics , their application value can be upgraded , producing ideal landscape effect .

  17. 体现文脉与个性应该从水系与城市的文脉、时代与地域的个性出发,以抽象符号的方式结合园林小品与设施表达。

    To embody context and characteristic , we should study from the context of water system and city , the characteristic of time and region , and express it by using abstract symbols combine with small garden ornaments and facilities .

  18. 通过对休疗养环境绿地景观组成要素植物、水景、道路、园林小品,结合人的感觉因素视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉进行分析。

    The combination of environment elements , such as plants , water features , roads , gardens , sensory factors and vision , hearing , touch , smell , taste , which belong to the personal feelings , has been analyzed .

  19. 园林建筑小品人性化研究

    The Study on Facility Humanization of the Botanical Garden Construction Sketch

  20. 仿植物装饰园林建筑小品施工工艺研究

    Construction Analysis of Botanical Imitation Ornament for the small garden Architecture

  21. 园林建筑小品作为园林的构成要素之一,若使用得法,有点睛之妙。

    Landscape architecture opuscule is one of the component elements in gardens .

  22. 门窗洞墙&古典园林的小品之妙

    Door , Window , Hole and Wall & The Delicate Expression of Classical Landscape Sketch

  23. 园林建筑小品种类繁多,比如收纳美景的凉亭,古朴典雅的围墙,赏心悦目的铺地,精致绝伦的漏窗,温馨别致的指示牌,舒适解乏的椅凳,构思巧妙地雕塑等等,俯拾皆是。

    The garden facilities variety , such as receive beauty alcove , simple and elegant walls , pleasing to the eye , laying the ground of the delicate unsurpassed repeated , warm chic signs , comfortable solution to lack chair stool , and clever ground sculpture , etc and negligible .

  24. 通过大量的实地调查和相关文献资料对竹材园林建筑与小品的形态进行了归纳分类。

    Second , we categorized by a large number of field surveys and documents to bamboo landscape architecture and sketch the shape .

  25. 最后,对竹材园林建筑与小品的耐用性和防护技术进行了分析总结,并指出防护中存在的问题。

    Finally , the bamboo landscape architecture for durability and protection technology is summarized , and points out the problems existing in the protection .

  26. 并从屋顶花园建设中的种植、防水和排水、水体工程、假山置石、园路、园林建筑与小品等方面做了阐述。

    And from some aspects such as planting , waterproof , drainage , water engineering and garden architecture the construction of roof garden is elaborated .

  27. 首先,从竹材在园林建筑与小品中的应用为出发点,探讨竹材的设计价值及其生态意义。

    First of all , from the survey in landscape architecture and sketch bamboo the application as the starting point , this paper discusses the design of bamboo and ecological value significance .

  28. 着重介绍了园林植物与建筑小品的配置的方法。

    The article primarily introduces the way of organizing landscape plants and mini-buildings .

  29. 园林雕塑、建筑小品是园林规划中的点睛之作。

    The garden sculpture and architectural oddments are the wonderful part of garden planning construction .

  30. 园林竹建筑及小品有利于营造城市园林的山林野。

    Bamboo building and furniture in garden are favorable to recover the poetic imagery of farm garden .