
cǎo lǜ
  • grass green;prasinous
草绿 [cǎo lǜ]
  • [grass green] 绿而略黄的颜色。即军装绿

草绿[cǎo lǜ]
  1. 草绿,在大约一个星期,效果持续了一个多月。

    Grass green in approximately a week and effects last for over a month .

  2. 草绿硝基半光罐头外壁磁漆

    Grass green nitrocellulose semi-gloss can exterior enamel

  3. 草绿环氧聚乙烯醇丁缩醛磁漆双组分,聚酰胺固化环氧富锌底漆。

    Two components , zinc-rich epoxy-polyamide primer .

  4. 由α-蒎烯催化氧化制备马鞭草烯酮草绿环氧聚乙烯醇丁缩醛磁漆

    Synthesis of Verbenone via Catalytic Oxidation of α - Pinene straw green epoxy polyvinyl butyral enamel

  5. 四块布料最后颜色分别是草绿、黄绿、墨绿和豆绿。

    Finally , 4 fabric colors are grass green , green , dark green and green beans .

  6. 往日广袤的草原、水清草绿的景象如今已不复存在了。

    The vast grassland with green grass and clean water of the scene is now no longer exists .

  7. 在一个月之间就会草绿花开几乎是不可能的。

    It was next to impossible that in a month the grass would be green and flower would be blooming .

  8. 你从那花红草绿的氛围中走来,从那刻骨铭心的感觉中走来。

    You walk from the environment of red flower and green leaves and from the feelings as deep as engraved on the bones and heart .

  9. 黄色,黄色,它是黄色的。颜色:桔红、草绿、湖蓝、米黄或根据用户要求而定。

    Yellow , yellow . it 's yellow . Color : tangerine , grass green , light blue , creamcolored and could be decided by customer .

  10. 结果:在口腔生态环境中种植义齿与天然牙牙颈部主要存在18种优势菌,两者无显著差异(P>0.05),其中需氧菌为草绿链球菌等7种,厌氧菌为产黑色类杆菌等11种。

    Result : contract the flora in nature teeth neck of oral and implant prosthesis neck , the dominant flora had no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .