
  • 网络prataculture;pratacultural
  1. 基于3S技术的应用和草业发展的需要,提出了关键场载畜量计算的新方法,为草地退化的防治和草地畜牧业的可持续发展,提供一个新的视角和可操作的评价指标;

    In order to use 3S technology for prataculture development , a new method for calculating the stocking density of key pasture has been produced .

  2. 从文后参考文献看我国草业科技人员的文献情报需求

    Documentation Information Demand of Prataculture Sci-tech Experts from the Paper Reference

  3. 加入WTO与我国草业的发展

    Entrance to WTO and Grassland Industry Development in China

  4. 中国加入WTO后草业畜牧业装备差距及应对措施

    Technical Gap of Grass and Livestock Machinery Industry and Its Countermeasure After China Enters WTO

  5. 草业畜牧业装备行业,作为一个集种植、养殖及加工等综合性行业关系到国计民生。中国加入WTO后,对其发展影响将是广泛的、深远的,机遇与挑战并存。

    The event of the China enters WTO has a wide and profound influence to the Chinese grass & livestock machinery industry . We are facing both opportunity and challenge .

  6. 在草业研究方面,已有将SRAP标记用于野牛草种质资源遗传多样性分析的报道,其在草业研究中的应用前景十分广阔。

    There were genetics diversity analysis of buffalograss and the prospect of the SRAP marker application in pratacultural research is wide .

  7. 以草业为纽带的桔园生态系统及其生态效益研究

    Orange Orchard Ecosystem Linked by Forage Grass and Its Ecological Benefits

  8. 青海省草业发展布局及思路

    The Outline and Strategies of Grassland Industry Development of Qinghai Province

  9. 南方农区草业效益分析

    Analysis of Benefit of Grass Project in the Southern Farming Region

  10. 草原区域草业生态系统承载力与可持续发展的研究

    Sustainable Development on the System Carrying Capacity of Grassland Industrial Ecosystem

  11. 现代数字草业理论与技术研究进展及展望

    Advance and Prospects in Theories and Techniques of Modern Digital Grassland

  12. 贵南县草业产业化现状及发展

    Developing opinion and present situation of grass industry in Guinan County

  13. 立草为业兴晋富民&确立草业为山西农业经济的主导产业

    Establishing Prataculture and Offering it to Dominant Industry in Shanxi Agricultural Economic

  14. 中国草业生态经济区初探

    A preliminary discussion on grassland ecological economic regions in China

  15. 中国草业现状及发展战略

    The Current Situation and Developing Strategy of Chinese Grassland Industry

  16. 六是培育新兴产业,促进草业、加工业及服务行业的发展,延伸产业链条。

    Improve the new industry and its extended industry chains .

  17. 我国南方草业发展存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions of the Grass Industry in South China

  18. 黄土高原苜蓿草业开发利用探讨

    Development and utilization of alfalfa prataculture on the loess plateau

  19. 福建省德化县草业综合开发之探讨

    Approach to comprehensively developing the Prataculture of Dehua county , fujian Province

  20. 兴草业,促进生态环境建设

    Developing Forage Industry for Promoting the Construction of Ecological Environment

  21. 新疆草业发展对策研究

    Development and Countermeasure Study of Grass Planting Industry in Xinjiang

  22. 对新疆草业发展的思考(一)

    Discussion on Development of Prataculture in Xinjiang ( 1 )

  23. 从甘肃奶业发展趋势看草业发展的前景

    The Grass-Industry Development Prospect through the Dairy-Industry Development in Gansu

  24. 浙江省草业发展战略思考

    Ponderations on development strategy of the grass industry in Zhejiang

  25. 吉林省草业现状与发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Prospect of the Prataculture Developing in Jilin Province

  26. 5种草业学主要期刊引文定量分析

    The qualitative analysis of citing papers from five journals of Grassland Science

  27. 中国南方红黄壤地区草业开发的潜力与途径

    The potentiality and way of prataculture developed in South China

  28. 湖北省草业现状及发展措施

    The current situation and development of the grassland industry in Hubei province

  29. 凉山草业生产现状及发展思路

    Production Status and Development Scheme of Liangshan Grass Industry

  30. 发展草业关键在于比较优势和政策拉动

    The Key to Develop Grass Industry Lies in Comparative Predominance and Policy Support