
cǎo yuán shǐ yònɡ quán
  • Grassland use rights;tenure of grassland
  1. 第六条草原所有权和使用权的争议,由当事人本着互谅互让、有利团结的精神协商解决;

    Article 6 . Disputes over the right of ownership of grasslands or the right to use them shall be settled by the parties concerned through negotiation on the principle of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation in the interest of unity .

  2. 在草原财产权制度设计上,应坚持现有草原所有权制度为基础,制定具有用益物权性质的草原使用权,以实现草原资源的合理配置和有效利用。

    The system of grassland property right must be based on the present ownership of the grassland , and work out the utilization right with usufruct property for the reasonable distribution and effective utilization of grassland resources .