
  • 网络Meadowlands
  1. 草原地裂缝分布的分形特征研究

    Study on the Fractal Features of the Spatial Structure of Crevices in Grasslands

  2. 羊草草原地上初级生产力对降水的动态响应

    Dynamic responses of aboveground net primary productivity of Leymus chinensis community to precipitation

  3. 羊草草原地上生物量的预测

    Prediction of aboveground biomass of Leymus chinensis grassland

  4. 羊草十杂类草草原地上生物量增长动态的研究

    Study on the growth feature of aboveground biomass of Aneurolepidium chinense + mesophyticherb grassland

  5. 半干旱草原地-气温室气体交换速率测定

    Measurement of the Exchange Rate of Greenhouse Gases between Field and Atmosphere in Semi Arid Grassland

  6. 结果得出草原地裂缝是一种分形体,它的分布结构具有自相似性。

    The results show that the crevices in grasslands are the fractals and their spatial structure possesses the self-similarity .

  7. 不同尺度典型草原地上现存生物量与放牧率动态及其关系研究

    Study on the Dynamics and Relationship between the Standing Live Aboveground Biomass and Stocking Rate in Different Scales in the Steppe Grassland

  8. 调研发现,草原地承包及租赁体制、饲草料生产和供给策略、家畜放牧制度等是影响本地区畜牧业生产体系和草原可持续性的主要因素。

    It was identified that grassland tenure system , feed supply and foraging strategy , animal grazing regimes were all among the main factors affecting the animal production system and grassland sustainability .

  9. 羊草草原地上部分的太阳能转化效率随刈割频次的增加逐渐下降,在未割对照群落中为0.257%,而1年割2次群落仅为未割对照群落的37%。

    The energy transforming efficiency gradually declined with mowing frequency . The value for unmowed community was 0.257 % , but the value for the treatments with twice mowing in one year was only 37 % of unmowed .

  10. 土壤有机质含量逐渐减少,pH值、电导率及含盐量均比草原对照地土壤低。

    Moreover , the content of organic matter in soil reduces gradually , and the pH value , electric conductivity and salt content of the soil in the reclaimed farmland are all lower than that in the contrast grasslands .

  11. 典型草原撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.5481,是天然草地的55%,草甸草原带撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.3492,是天然草地的50%。

    The average of Shannon-Wiener diversity index was 1.5481 in typical steppe abandoned land , which was only 55 % of natural grassland , while it was 1.3492 in meadow steppe abandoned steppe .

  12. 羊草草甸草原火烧地凋落物的分解与积累速率变化

    Fire Effects on Decomposition and Accumulation of Litter in Aneurolepidium Chinense Steppe

  13. 羊草草原放牧地生态系统健康评价

    Ecosystem Health Assessment on Grazing Land of Leymus Chinensis Steppe

  14. 不同放牧率对内蒙古典型草原牧草地上现存量和净初级生产力及品质的影响

    Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Aboveground Present Biomass and Herbage Quality in Inner Mongolia Steppe

  15. 半干旱地带森林草原旅游地竞争力综合性评价&以呼和浩特市周边旅游地为例

    The comprehensive evaluation of forest and grassland tourism competitiveness semi-arid zones & A case of areas surrounding Hohhot

  16. 本文研究了东北草原样地中亚气生蓝藻的组成与分布,并对藻结皮与相关环境因子的关系进行了探讨与分析。

    The species and distribution of subaerial bule-green algae in northeast grassland are researched in this paper , the relation between the algal crust and the environmental factors is also discussed and analysed .

  17. 生境为荒漠和荒漠草原,越冬地在西亚和南亚一带。

    Deserts and desert steppes are their habitats .

  18. 内蒙古草原牧区人地矛盾的加剧及缓解对策

    The Sharpening Contradiction Between Man and Land in Inner Mongolia ; Pastoral Areas and Measures to Be Taken to Mitigate It

  19. 河马、大象、长颈鹿、狮子、豹以及各类物种,在这遍热带大草原的森林地,依靠卢安瓜河流给予的供水,各自在这分水岭里繁荣昌盛。

    Hippos , elephants , giraffes , lions , leopards , and scores of other species flourish in this savanna-woodland watershed , watered by the Luangwa River .

  20. 美洲野牛,或者水牛,曾经在西部草原上自由地游来走去。现在,只剩下几千头了,大部分在有栅栏的野生动物保护区内。

    The American bison , or buffaloes , once roamed the western prairies . Today , only a few thousand remain , mostly on protected , fenced game reserves ( 2 ) .

  21. 再次,本文引用民族志资料,从一个牧业社区的历史过程和社会制度,讨论那里的草原共有地管理以及草场管理规则的混乱。

    And thirdly , the article , by using ethnographic data of the historical process and social systems from a pastoral community to discuss the management of the communal grassland and existing disorder in its regulations .

  22. 应用离心机法测定土壤水分特征,研究黄土高原典型草原带退耕地植被恢复演替过程中土壤持水性能的变化特点及趋势。

    The study was undertaken to determine the tendency and variation of the soil-water holding capacity during the restored vegetation community succession in a plot of former cropland bordering a typical steppe zone on the Loess Plateau .

  23. 不同植物种子对自身种子萌发所需水量不同,因此为治理退化荒漠草原、恢复地上植被,建议研究区应考虑采用交替施加不同梯度的水分来激发土壤种子库中的种子萌发。

    Needed water is different for their own seed germination , so in order to manage study area regress desert grassland , restoration study area ground vegetation , proposed study area should consider to using different gradients water to stimulate seed germination in seed bank . 7 .

  24. 旅游空间分析是我国目前研究旅游地理学的重要部分,但关于旅游空间组织和以草原型旅游地为案例区的研究较少,在此基础上提出了本文的研究内容和研究方法。

    At present , tourist spatial analysis is an important field of study in tourism geography in China ; however , only a few studies in this field from the perspective of tourist spatial organization and using grassland tourist region as the subject of case study are found .

  25. 格尔达把她戴着大手套的一双手伸向小强盗女孩,说了声:“再会!”于是驯鹿就在树桩和灌木上飞奔起来,穿过树林,越过沼泽地和大草原,尽快地奔驰。豺狼在呼啸,乌鸦在呱呱地叫。

    And Gerda stretched out her hands with the large wadded gloves towards the robber maiden , and said , " Farewell ! " and the Reindeer flew on over bush and bramble through the great wood , over moor and heath , as fast as he could go .

  26. 是隐藏在茂林里,广袤的草原上还是悄悄地窝在人的内心里。

    Does it hidden in forest , the wide expanse of grassland , or quietly within a nest in the human heart .

  27. 阴山山脉自东向西穿越了内蒙古中部,是草原文化的发祥地。

    Mont Yin stretches across the middle part of Inner Mongolia from the east to the west , is the place of origin of the grasslands culture .

  28. 如何对草原旅游进行深度开发,提升草原旅游地的竞争力,实现可持续发展,成为一个亟待解决的重要问题。

    These problems should be urgently solved that how to further develop grassland tourism , to promote competitive ability of grassland tourism destinations , to achieve sustainable development .

  29. 草原畜牧业是指以天然草原为放牧地、以草原植被为主要饲料源的家畜放牧饲养业。

    Grassland animal husbandry refers to the natural grassland for grazing land to grassland vegetation as the main feed source for animal husbandry .

  30. 在美国蒙大拿州东部一块安静的草原上,天空广阔无垠,金色草原延绵起伏。71头刚从栅栏中被释放出来的小野牛,奔向草原,地上的尘土被他们跑动的蹄子卷到半空高。

    IN A quiet spot in eastern Montana , on rolling golden prairies and under vast skies , 71 buffalo calves charge out of a corral .