
cǎo qún wǔ
  • hula;Hawaiian dance;hula-hula
草裙舞[cǎo qún wǔ]
  1. 除了吃的外,还有夏威夷式宴会的特色表演&草裙舞。

    Besides the food , hula dancing makes a luau special .

  2. 让我们来看看什么样的草裙舞的好处胡平。

    Let 's look at what the benefits of hula hooping .

  3. 我们要准备好接受草裙舞的启发了。

    We 're ready to receive a great idea for our hula .

  4. 那儿猫王会给我们草裙舞的启发。

    Where the king will give us the idea for our hula .

  5. 你们每个人要创作一个原汁原味的草裙舞。

    Each of you will create an original hula .

  6. 花环或花冠也在许多的歌曲与草裙舞中。

    The Lei or flower wreath is also in many songs and hulas .

  7. 会有一个草裙舞比赛。

    There will be a hula competition .

  8. 我的第一节草裙舞课程触发了我祖先中围绕诱惑与舞蹈的大量的业力。

    My first hula lessons triggered much karma in my ancestry around seduction and dance .

  9. 你想让我怎么做,变装还是跳草裙舞?

    What do you want me to do , dress in drag and do the hula ?

  10. 草裙舞结合了流畅的肢体动作及脸部表情并搭配特殊的歌曲及音乐。

    The hula combines flowing movement with facial expressions , all set to special chants and music .

  11. 几年过去了,我发现自己再次向往学习如何跳草裙舞。

    A few years passed and I found myself yearning again to learn how to hula dance .

  12. 你可以跳草裙舞,参加真正的夏威夷宴会。

    You can try dancing the hula and taking part in an authentic luau ( feast ) .

  13. 一个导游为我讲解草裙舞的故事,草裙舞是一种夏威夷舞蹈,它表现的是当地土著的传统故事。

    A guide tells me about the hula , a Hawaiian dance that tells traditional native stories .

  14. 据报道,穆斯瓦蒂每年都可以在有几千名处女参加的年度草裙舞庆典上选一个女子作妻子。

    Mswati can choose a new wife every year from among thousands of virgins who parade at annual reed dance ceremonies .

  15. 那就是照片中的小孩正在做的事,他们正在跳草裙舞,即夏威夷的传统舞蹈。

    That 's what the kids in the photo are doing when they do the hula , a traditional dance of hawaii .

  16. 你教我迈出了人生第一步(那样子,就向我第一次学跳草裙舞)。

    You were there when I took my very first steps ( which looked remarkably similar to my very first hula lesson ) .

  17. 让人念念不忘的草裙舞,干净整洁的街道,绚烂多姿的彩虹,阳光明媚的迷人沙滩构成了她得天独厚的美丽。

    Let a person remember the hula , clean and orderly streets , brilliant varied the rainbow , sunny fascinating beach constituted her unique beauty .

  18. 来自草裙舞的爱的能量有着允许你去扩展、疗愈、处在你心灵的内在并允许情感去流露的潜在力量。

    The love energy that emanates from the Hula has the potential of allowing one to expand , to heal , to sit within ones heart and allow emotions to flow .

  19. 我很高兴理解了我如何宽恕与转化我祖先大量的通过舞蹈误用能量流的业力与模式,并且现在可以学习基于爱的草裙舞。

    I was happy to understand how I had forgiven and transcended much of my ancestral karma and patterns for misuse of energy flow through dance and could now learn hula based upon love .

  20. 当我还在女童童军营地的时候,我们伴着顾问先生的四弦琴声,环带花圈,跳的是就草裙舞的一种,叫做“可爱的呼啦手”。

    When I was at Girl Scout camp , we were taught a species of hula , floral and sinuous , to " Lovely Hula Hands ," as played by our counsellor on the ukulele .

  21. 几年过去了,我终于完全理解了草裙舞的深层的意义,它在舞者与看者之间的爱和祝福的交换中,表达了生命与岛屿的爱。

    It took me several years to fully understand the deep meaning of hula that expresses the love of life and of the islands in an exchange of blessings and love between the dancers and the audience .

  22. 我走进房间,所见都是是坦诚的可爱的夏威夷妇女,她们一生都在学习草裙舞,并且她们现在被引导来与社区中的其他人分享她们的爱与草裙舞的知识。

    I walked into the room and was eye to eye with a lovely Hawaiian woman who had studied Hula all her life and was now guided to share her love and knowledge of hula with others in the community .