
  1. 想有个新的爱好,你就马上买来一个尤克里里(夏威夷弦拨乐器)。

    You need a new hobby : you acquire a ukulele .

  2. 今年想学习弹尤克里里。

    This year I wanna learn to play the ukulele .

  3. 我有个朋友会弹尤克里里,她去哪里都会带着,因为非常小方便携带。

    I have a friend who plays the ukulele , and she takes it with her everywhere because its so small and portable .

  4. 我试着用尤克里里给她弹瑞典儿歌,但我意识到根本就没取悦到她,还不如说是在取悦我自己。

    I try playing her a Swedish children 's song on the ukelele , but realize that 's more for my own pleasure than hers .