
  • 网络master Yoda
  1. 在《星球大战》原三部曲中,最能够展现尤达大师原力风采的当数他把卢克的X翼战机从沼泽里提出来了。

    Yoda 's greatest display of raw power in the original trilogy came when he lifted Luke 's X-wing from the swamp .

  2. Q.尤达大师的原力的输出功率有多大?

    Q. How much Force power can Yoda output ?

  3. 杰克的棺椁周围用贡花装饰,贡花拼成了“绝地武士”的字样,还围成了光剑、尤达大师和机器人R2-D2的形状。

    His carriage was covered floral tributes , including one reading ' Jedi ' and wreaths in the shape of a light saber , Yoda and R2-D2 .

  4. 我绝不会让这些幻觉成真的,尤达大师。

    I won 't let these visions come true , master yoda .

  5. 好啦!你就像个伴游的尤达大师。

    Piease ! You 're Iike the Yoda of escorts .

  6. 尤达大师是如此的欣赏你。

    Yoda holds you in such high esteem .

  7. 你的自满蒙敝了你的眼睛,尤达大师。

    Your arrogance blinds you , masteryoda .

  8. 特种部队的上校说他是克林特伊斯特伍德和尤达大师的私生子。

    Colonel in Special Ops said he was the bastard son of Clint Eastwood and yoda .

  9. 想想尤达大师的名言世上没有尝试一说,只有做或不做。

    Think like Yoda There is no try , there is only do or do not .

  10. 想想尤达大师的名言“世上没有尝试一说,只有做或不做。

    Think like Yoda " There is no try , there is only do or do not . "

  11. 这位68岁的老太太来自英格兰斯塔福郡鲁吉利镇。她已经以电影《星球大战》系列中的尤达大师以及《铁血战士》为主题,仅靠海绵蛋糕和糖衣,就制出了令人瞠目结舌的艺术蛋糕。

    The 68-year-old , from Rugeley , Staffs , has crafted jaw-dropping cakes featuring Yoda from Star Wars and Predator , from just sponge and icing .