
pǔ tōng
  • ordinary;general;common;plain;universal;mediocrity
普通 [pǔ tōng]
  • (1) [ordinary;common]∶平常;一般

  • 普通人

  • 普通科学课程

  • (2) [universal;general]∶普遍

  • 这些乡邻普通一请,一连儿热闹了三天。--《儿女英雄传》

普通[pǔ tōng]
  1. 在多数人的眼里她只不过是个普通的罪犯。

    In most people 's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal .

  2. 民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。

    Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority

  3. 他从普通士兵升至准尉。

    He rose from the ranks to become a warrant officer .

  4. 大多数学生至少参加5门普通中等教育证书考试。

    Most of the students sit at least 5 GCSEs .

  5. 她从普通员工逐步晋升为总经理。

    She rose through the ranks to become managing director .

  6. 经他一点化,极普通的题材也能变得令人叫绝。

    He transforms the most ordinary subject into the sublime .

  7. 那只是一座普通的房子,没有故作特别。

    It was just an ordinary house ─ nothing pretentious .

  8. 要学这个学程,就须要通过普通教育证书两门学科的高级证书考试。

    For this course , you need two GCE Advanced Level passes .

  9. 她正在职业学校学习全国普通职业证书的商业培训课程。

    She 's doing GNVQ Business Studies at college .

  10. 他们在设法把那张普通桌子当真正的古董推销出去。

    They were trying to palm the table off as a genuine antique .

  11. 国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。

    A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports .

  12. 我只是一个普通的学生。

    I was just an average sort of student .

  13. 他通过了俄语普通证书考试。

    He 's got an O level in Russian .

  14. 他不是个普通的罪犯。

    He is not one of your garden-variety criminals .

  15. 这项政策旨在使有特殊需要的儿童融入普通学校。

    The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools .

  16. 她参加了六门课程的普通证书考试。

    She took six subjects at O level .

  17. 此等奢侈品普通百姓是难以获得的。

    Such luxuries are unavailable to ordinary people .

  18. 你能让普通人相信这个很有用吗?

    Can you persuade the man on the Clapham omnibus that it is useful ?

  19. 你要普通的还是低热量的可乐?

    Do you want regular or diet cola ?

  20. 债券可兑换为普通股。

    The bonds are convertible into ordinary shares .

  21. 普通工人不在意那事。

    Joe Sixpack doesn 't care about that .

  22. 发达国家中普通公民每年的用纸量超过155公斤。

    The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year .

  23. 我是一个普普通通的乡村姑娘。

    I 'm a simple country girl .

  24. *¾和⅝均为普通分数。

    ¾ and ⅝ are vulgar fractions .

  25. 他在学习普通中等教育证书的德语课程。

    He 's doing German at GCSE .

  26. 她已获得10门学科的普通中等教育证书。

    She 's got 10 GCSEs .

  27. 你要普通咖啡还是低咖?

    Regular coffee or decaf ?

  28. 这是部很普通的电影——我不懂为什么就轰动一时。

    It 's a very ordinary movie ─ I don 't know what all the fuss is about .

  29. V2火箭并非普通武器:它只能用于对付城市。原子弹也是这样。

    The V2 was not an ordinary weapon : it could only be used against cities . Likewise the atom bomb .

  30. 中世纪时,drab(“本色布”)一词指的是一种农民用来制衣的非常普通的羊毛织物。

    In the Middle Ages the term ' drab ' denoted a very simple type of woollen cloth which was used by peasants to make their clothes .