
  • 网络providence;Providence, Rhode Island;Providence Equity Partners;Providence,RI
  1. 波塔基特离普罗维登斯有多远?

    How far is Pawtucket from Providence ?

  2. 我在罗得岛州的普罗维登斯找到了这些干细胞,本来打算飞到华盛顿然后回伦敦。

    I picked up the stem cells in Providence , Rhode Island , and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London .

  3. 但当我到达普罗维登斯的登机柜台时,值守的女士说:“好吧,我真的很抱歉,我有个坏消息要告诉你,那就是现在没有从华盛顿出发的航班了。”

    But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence , the lady on the desk said : " Well , I 'm really sorry , I 've got some bad news for you-there are no flights from Washington . "

  4. 但是在普罗维登斯市的布朗大学(BrownUniversity),三名研究生却创立了一个有关睡眠不足的公司。

    But three grad students at Brown University in Providence built a company around sleep deprivation .

  5. 百度与普罗维登斯投资(ProvidenceEquityPartners)在2010年共同投资创办了视频网站奇艺,后更名为爱奇艺。

    Qiyi , now known as iQiyi , started in 2010 with investments from Baidu and Providence Equity Partners .

  6. 这个关于普罗维登斯和波士顿的笑话已经是过去的历史了,但是OK这个词从此风靡,很快就包含了同意、接受、普通、支持、棒极了和可爱的意思。

    The humor of the Providence-Boston joke has been lost to history & but the word OK took off from there , soon connoting agreement , acceptance , mediocrity , endorsement , quality or likability .

  7. 本文作者索尔.卡普兰是《商业模式创新工厂》一书的作者,也是美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯市的商业创新工厂公司的创始人和首席分析师,定期在It'sSaulConnected网站发表博文。

    Saul Kaplan is the author of The Business Model Innovation Factory . He is the founder and chief catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory ( BIF ) in Providence , RI , and blogs regularly at It 's Saul Connected .

  8. 周边环境:斯托宁顿位于康涅狄格州东南部的小纳拉甘西特湾(LittleNarragansettBay),从哈特福特(Hartford)和罗德岛的普罗维登斯(Providence,R.I.)开车约1小时可达,从纽约市开车约3小时。

    SETTING : Stonington is on Little Narragansett Bay in southeastern Connecticut , about an hour by car from Hartford and Providence , R.I. , and three hours from New York City .

  9. 在第一堂中文课上课前,普罗维登斯学院(institutdelaprovidence)的老师问同学,是什么促使他们选择这门语言时,学生们的答案可谓五花八门。

    Asked at the start of their first Chinese class what motivated them to take up the language , the students of the Institut de la Providence , a secondary school outside Namur in Belgium , give their new teacher varied answers .

  10. 3月初,国际大型收购公司之一普罗维登斯投资(providenceequitypartners)向其投资者宣布,其驻香港的董事总经理童小(seantong)将从公司离职,转而创立一个专注中国的私人股本投资平台。

    At the beginning of March , Providence equity partners , one of the large international buy-out firms , sent a note to investors to announce that Sean Tong , one of its Hong Kong-based managing directors , was leaving the firm to launch a China-focused private equity investment platform .

  11. 并且辨别普罗维登斯市中心的正面特征和有问题的方面。

    Also identify Central Providence 's positive characteristics and problematic issues .

  12. 难道普罗维登斯(罗德岛州府)的政客们还不应该警醒吗?

    Did that not set off any alarms in Providence ?

  13. 他相信普罗维登斯以及自己的高度责任感。

    He would trust to Providence and his high sense of duty .

  14. 然而,普罗维登斯却还没从工业时期的终结中缓过神来。

    Providence , however , is still stuck in an industrial hang-over .

  15. 百度于2012年收购了普罗维登斯所持股份,没有透露交易金额。

    Baidu bought out Providence 's stake for an undisclosed amount in 2012 .

  16. 按照侦查规律,这两个人应该来自普罗维登斯。

    The principles of detection tell me these two gentlemen came from providence .

  17. 沃里克罗得岛中东部城市,位于纳拉干西特湾,普罗维登斯以南。

    A city of east-central Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay south of Providence .

  18. 第一根长途电话线,从波士顿到普罗维登斯。

    First long distance line , Boston to Providence .

  19. 那飞机还有多久才能在普罗维登斯降落?

    So when does the plane land in providence ?

  20. 罗得岛东北一城市,普罗维登斯一工业郊区。

    A city of northeast Rhode Island , an industrial suburb of Providence .

  21. 没有外刺痛普罗维登斯,然而,利奥活到93。

    There is no out-smarting Providence , however , and Leo lived to be93 .

  22. 现在普罗维登斯学院教文学创作。

    He teaches creative writing at Providence College .

  23. 但资源,最具商业收集了巴哈马和普罗维登斯岛龙涎香凸轮。

    However , most commercially collected ambergris came from the Bahamas and Providence Island .

  24. 普罗维登斯北边的人跑来告诉我该怎么做。

    Guineas from the north end down Providence tried to tell me what to do .

  25. 福尔摩斯,33普罗维登斯上,被宣布死亡现场。

    Sherlock , 33 , of Upper Providence , was pronounced dead at the scene .

  26. 你们从普罗维登斯那边过来吗?

    You fellas come from providence ?

  27. 班上每位同学都针对普罗维登斯市滨水地区复兴做了一份提案。

    Each student in the class made a proposal toward the redevelopment of the Providence waterfront .

  28. 在这个过程中,他结识了日后的客户,比如普罗维登斯资本公司和河滨资本等。

    Along the way he formed a network of future clients like providence equity partners and riverside .

  29. 现在任教于普罗维登斯大学和威尔斯利。

    It is now taught at the College of the Holy Cross , Providence College and Wellesley .

  30. 约翰斯顿罗得岛州中北部城镇,位于普罗维登斯郊区,以制造业为主。人口24907。

    A town of north-central Rhode island , a manufacturing suburb of providence . population , 24907 .