
  • 【医】Bismark
  1. 从根本上说,俾斯麦的修正主义几乎未对英国的利益造成一丝一毫的影响或损害。

    Ultimately , Bismarck 's revisionism scarcely affected or damaged British interests at all .

  2. 俾斯麦用铁腕手段统治德国。

    Bismarck ruled Germany by a strong hand .

  3. 俾斯麦妥协的帝国与德法矛盾

    The Compromise Empire of Bismarck and Contradiction between Germany and France

  4. 论俾斯麦的现实主义外交策略与德国统一

    On Realism Diplomatic Strategies of Bismarck and the Unification of Germany

  5. 俾斯麦的现实政治与德国的统一

    Realistic politics of Bismarck and the unification of Germany Unity Square

  6. 俾斯麦!卖给我糖果的家伙,香烟糖!

    BISMARCK.marks the guy who sold me the babble gums cigars .

  7. 实行俾斯麦制度的国家,医生和医院往往是私人的;

    Doctors and hospitals tend to be private in Bismarck countries ;

  8. 属于或关于俾斯麦的或他的成就的。

    Of or relating to Prince Otto von Bismarck or his accomplishments .

  9. 位于俾斯麦群岛西南的南太平洋的一个海湾。

    An arm of the South Pacific southwest of the Bismarck Archipelago .

  10. 不久,俾斯麦号的炮火就打中了它。

    Very soon the Bismarck 's fire began to tell upon her .

  11. 蔷薇花状小面包-所以俾斯麦是个皇帝?

    Kaiser roll . - so is BISMARCK a kaiser ?

  12. 在19世纪80年代的德国,俾斯麦成为了推行养老金和失业保险的政治先驱。

    In Germany Bismarck pioneered pensions and unemployment insurance in the 1880s .

  13. 还有一种有与之完全不同的食物被称作俾斯麦的!

    There 's also an entirely different food known as a Bismarck !

  14. 这已经是我第三次被俾斯麦打垮了。

    This is the third time a Bismarck has knocked me up .

  15. 浅析俾斯麦对海外殖民扩张的态度转变及其影响

    On the Changes of Bismarck 's Attitude to Oversea Expansion and its Influence

  16. 德国首相俾斯麦一贯以其大陆政策著称,而事实上,他对德国的海外殖民扩张也起到了关键的作用。

    German prime minister Bismarck was famous for his " Continental Policy " .

  17. 俾斯麦的铁血政策及外交活动在统一德国中的作用

    The Role of Bismarck'sIron & bloodedPolicy and His Diplomatic Activities in Unifying Germany

  18. 俾斯麦群岛中最大的一个岛屿;巴布亚新几内亚的一部分。

    The largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago ; part of Papua New Guinea .

  19. 这一切最后导致了俾斯麦的崛起。

    This led to the ascendancy of Bismarck .

  20. 略论俾斯麦三次战争的性质

    On the Nature of Bismarck 's Thrice War

  21. 他是俾斯麦的铁血政策的坚强经济后盾。

    He was the strong economical backing of Bismarck 's Blood and Iron policy .

  22. 朱莉埃林森是北达科他州俾斯麦市的第四代牛牧场主。

    Julie Ellingson is a 4th generation cattle rancher in Bismarck , North Dakota .

  23. 很快,俾斯麦就在谈论“敌意联盟的噩梦”。

    Soon , Bismarck was speaking of " the nightmare of hostile coalitions " .

  24. 而我的首都城市是俾斯麦。

    And my capital city is Bismarck .

  25. 战情显然没有令他不安,俾斯麦大感放心了。

    The military situation was clearly not disturbing him , and Bismarck was enormously reassured .

  26. 俾斯麦与近代德国对华贸易

    Bismarck and Modern Germanys Trade with China

  27. 普鲁士国王和俾斯麦颁布一道命令,于是一支军队进入了波西米亚②。

    The Prussian King and Bismarck give certain orders , and troops go to Bohemia .

  28. 德英两国医疗保障模式比较分析:俾斯麦模式和贝弗里奇模式

    A Comparison of Health Care System Models in German and Britain : Bismarck and Beveridge

  29. 这时已经获悉,俾斯麦号实际上正朝着错误的方向驶去。

    By now it was known that the Bismarck was actually steaming in the wrong direction .

  30. 评德意志统一运动中的俾斯麦

    Comments Bismarck in German Unification Movement