
  • 网络augusta;Augusta National;Agusta;MV Agusta
  1. 我们中途在奥古斯塔港停留过夜。

    We stopped for the night in Port Augusta .

  2. 大卫·亨特是奥古斯塔州立大学的社会学副教授,该大学在数字系和心理学系已经全面使用数字教材。他告诉Buzzfeed新闻说。他明白使用这些需要访问代码的系统的功用。

    David Hunt , an associate professor in sociology at Augusta University , which has rolled out digital textbooks across its math and psychology departments , told BuzzFeed News that he understands the utility of using systems that require access codes .

  3. 今年4月在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部(AugustaNationalGolfClub),布巴·沃森(BubbaWatson)经过苦战夺得美国高尔夫大师赛的冠军。全世界的高尔夫球迷尚未忘记他夺冠后开心流泪的一幕。

    Golf fans across the globe are yet to forget Bubba Watson 's tears of joy following his hard-fought Masters victory at the Augusta National Golf Club in April .

  4. 林奇与密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)、底特律亨利&12539;福特卫生系统(HenryFordHealthSystem)以及奥古斯塔GeorgiaRegentsUniversity的研究人员正将这项研究转向人体。

    Dr. Lynch and her colleagues , including researchers at the University of Michigan ; the Henry Ford Health System , Detroit ; and the Georgia Regents University , Augusta , are shifting the research to people .

  5. 乔治亚瑞金斯大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity,位于美国奥古斯塔)的研究人员以这种渗漏造成的后果为对象进行了一系列新颖的神经生物学实验,并将其发表于上个月的《神经科学杂志》(TheJournalofNeuroscience)上。

    The consequences of that seepage became the subject of new neurological experiments conducted by researchers at Georgia Regents University in Augusta and published last month in The Journal of Neuroscience .

  6. 在关天朗获得大师赛的资格后,狮子湖高尔夫球度假俱乐部的所有者JohnHo用低切草建造了一个练习果岭,达到与奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场的球速,并且只允许关天朗在上面打球。

    After Guan qualified for the Masters , Ho , the Lion Lake owner , built a practice green with low-cut grass to match the speed of Augusta National 's , and allowed only Guan to play on it .

  7. 据法新社报道,关天朗在电话中说,他希望能在奥古斯塔与自己的偶像老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)打一场练习赛,并说伍兹是一个有着坚定意志和强大心灵的选手。

    On that call , Guan said he hopes to organize a practice round at Augusta with idol Tiger Woods , describing the American as a player with a strong mind and a strong heart , according to AFP .

  8. 先说一下案例背景。2010年8月,摩托车狂热爱好者、职业创业者(serialentrepreneur)克劳迪奥•卡斯蒂廖尼(ClaudioCastiglioni),从哈雷戴维森(Harley-Davidson)手中回购了意大利标志性摩托车品牌奥古斯塔(MVAgusta)。

    The story . In August 2010 Claudio Castiglioni , a motorcycle aficionado and serial entrepreneur , bought back the iconic Italian motorcycle brand MV Agusta from Harley-Davidson .

  9. 卡斯蒂廖尼曾带领杜卡迪(Ducati)等其他摩托车品牌实现复兴。这一次,他希望借着“第三次的幸运”(西方人认为第三次尝试成功的可能性比前两次更大——译者注)振兴奥古斯塔。再来看振兴奥古斯塔面临的挑战。

    Mr Castiglioni had revived other motorcycle brands such as Ducati , and he hoped it would be third time lucky with MV Agusta .

  10. 在美国奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场的绿地上,关天朗以一系列大胆挥杆和击球入洞的动作,抓下了四个小鸟球,交出73(+1)杆,比卫冕冠军沃森(BubbaWatson)领先两杆。

    With a series of gutsy chips and clutch putts on Augusta National 's pool-table slick greens , Guan notched four birdies and carded a 1-over-par 73 , two shots better than Bubba Watson , the defending champion .

  11. 在乔治亚州奥古斯塔举行的名人赛在周日期间进行。

    The Masters in Augusta , Georgia , continues through Sunday .

  12. 萨凡纳、查尔斯顿、奥古斯塔、里土满、新奥尔良却从来不是这样。

    Savannah , Charleston , Augusta , Richmond , New Orleans would never hurry .

  13. 我是说你要在第八站下车,就是叫做奥古斯塔的站。

    I mean you should get off at the eighth station , called Augusta .

  14. 华彬高尔夫俱乐部,位于长城脚下的“东方奥古斯塔”!

    Pine Valley Golf Club , the East Augusta at the foot of Great Wall .

  15. 奥古斯塔的观众席上很快响起南方特有的拉长调子为他喝彩的声音。

    Shots like that soon had the Augusta galleries mangling his name in their throaty southern drawls .

  16. 该公司为奥古斯塔及艾肯区的数家主要工厂提供全方位服务。

    This company provides turnkey service to several major industrial plants in the Augusta and Aiken area .

  17. 去年,我收到一封信,是乔治亚州奥古斯塔市一位名叫艾米?威廉姆斯的女士写的。

    Last year , I got an email from a woman named Amy Williams , in Augusta , Georgia .

  18. 奥古斯塔国家高尔夫俱乐部是第一次允许女性成员进入的,这已经有88年的历史。

    Augusta national golf club is allowing entry the female members for the first time in their 88 histroy .

  19. 拜伦的父亲第一次结婚以后生了一个女儿,名叫奥古斯塔,即拜伦的同父异母姐姐。

    Byron 's father , by his first marriage , had a daughter , Augusta , Byron 's half-sister .

  20. 思嘉一直喜欢亚特兰大,她的理由恰恰就是萨凡纳、奥古斯塔和梅肯诋毁它的那些理由。

    Scarlett had always liked Atlanta for the very same reasons that made Savannah , Augusta and Macon condemn it .

  21. 据里奇蒙县治安官员,就在周六快到中午的时候,一个小偷从奥古斯塔购物中心偷走了200条维密(女性内衣品牌)女式内裤。

    Richmond County sheriff 's officialssay a thief stole 200 pairs of panties from Victoria'sSecret in Augusta Mall shortly before noonSaturday .

  22. 但是伍兹在奥古斯塔受到的温暖接纳表明他正在重现他的星光。

    But Mr Woods 's warm reception at Augusta suggests that he is well on his way to recovering his star power .

  23. 但是那是在教堂和我筹钱送她到奥古斯塔上学之前的事。

    But that was before we raised the money , the church and me , to send her to Augusta to school .

  24. 大师赛最与众不同的一点是它每年都在同一个高尔夫球场举行,即奥古斯塔球场。

    The Masters is much different than anything else because it 's held at the same golf course every year , Augusta National .

  25. 她给他生了一个女儿,不到一年就离开了他,暗示他和他的同父异母姐姐奥古斯塔关系暖昧。

    She bore him a daughter and left him within a year , hinting that he had an immoral relationship with his half sister Augusta .

  26. 但是,身为四届奥古斯塔名人赛的冠军,伍兹说他很高兴能够重返高尔夫球场,粉丝们的欢呼声差点把我“吹跑”。

    But the four-time Augusta champion said he was happy to be returning to golf , and the welcome from the fans'blew me away ' .

  27. 最后,这个拥挤不堪的城市已实在无法容纳更多的人,那些源源不断的伤兵才被送到梅肯和奥古斯塔去了。

    Finally the choked town could take care of no more and the overflow of wounded was sent on to the hospitals at Macon and Augusta .

  28. 乔治亚州,奥古斯塔(美联社)——一小偷在东乔治亚州某购中心偷走了一整袋的女式内裤。有关当局正展开调查。

    AUGUSTA , Ga. ( AP ) - Authorities areinvestigating after a thief at an east Georgia shopping mall made off witha bagful of women 's unmentionables .

  29. 生活在北佐治亚的克莱顿县,与奥古斯塔、萨凡纳和查尔斯顿比较起来还有一点粗犷风味。

    Life in the north Georgia county of Clayton was still new and , according to the standards of Augusta , Savannah and Charleston , a little crude .

  30. 世界上的首个海水温室商业化的例子是在澳大利亚奥古斯塔港建立的一个2000平方米的单元,去年12月它收获了首批西红柿。

    The world 's first commercial example of a seawater greenhouse , a2,000-square-metre unit in Port Augusta , Australia , harvested its first crop of tomatoes in December .