
  • 网络topeka
  1. NPR新闻,史蒂文·克兰德尔堪萨斯州托皮卡报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Steven Krandel in Topeka , Kansas .

  2. 托皮卡资本(Topeka)分析师布莱恩?怀特每月跟踪苹果销售业绩,他指出,二月份的情况堪称史上最差。

    According to Topeka 's Brian White , who monitors these things on a monthly basis , February 's report was the worst on record .

  3. 在堪萨斯州的托皮卡市,是不允许用茶杯来盛酒的;

    You cannot be served wine in a teacup in Topeka , Kansas ;

  4. 美国堪萨斯州东北一城市,位于托皮卡东南偏东部的堪萨斯河畔。

    A city of northeast Kansas on the Kansas River east-southeast of Topeka .

  5. 艾奇逊-托皮卡-圣大非铁路公司

    Atchison , Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company

  6. 托皮卡资本分析师布莱恩?怀特:苹果供应商2月份表现疲软。

    Brian White , Topeka Capital : February Apple Monitor Sales Miss Seasonal Trends .

  7. 托皮卡市市长将市名改为“谷歌市”(仅一天时间)。

    The mayor of Topeka changed his city 's name ( for a day ) to Google .

  8. 最高法院裁定:在托皮卡市,任何一所学校不能因为种族的原因而拒绝任何一个人进入。

    It ruled that no one could be rejected from a school in Topeka because of race .

  9. 托皮卡讲座,同样是一个即时通讯产品,而不是,比如说,一个平易近人中西部早间节目。

    Topeka Talk , similarly , is an instant messaging product , not , say , a folksy midwestern morning show .

  10. 菲尔普斯创建了这个位于堪萨斯州托皮卡的教会,这里因组织反同性恋抗议和军事葬礼抗议而闻名。

    Phelps founded the church in Topeka , Kansas , which became best-known for mounting anti-gay protests and pickets at military funerals .

  11. 通讯向我们公司总部和世界各地的办事处,现在应该给托皮卡公司,但可以解决,否则正常。

    Correspondence to both our corporate headquarters and offices around the world should now be addressed to Topeka Inc. , but otherwise can be addressed normally .

  12. 她和堪萨斯州托皮卡市一个浸信会教堂的其他基督徒一起跨越了半个美国来到纽约市,就是为了表示婚姻是由圣经所界定的。

    She and other Christians from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka , Kansas came half way across the country to say marriage is defined by Holy Scripture .

  13. 布朗指的是奥利弗·布朗,这位男士的女儿不被允许升入堪萨斯州托皮卡白人小学的3年级。

    The name Brown was for Oliver Brown , a man whose daughter wasn 't allowed to attend third grade in a white elementary school in Topeka , Kansas .

  14. 仅在20世纪60年代后的二十年间里,卡特先生先后经历了自最高法院在1954年裁决废除托皮卡教育委员会的种族隔离政策到在1974年总统理查德尼克松的辞职下台。

    Only Mr Carter's1960s span two decades , from the Supreme Court's1954 decision to abolish segregation in schools in Brown v Board of Education to President Richard Nixon 's resignation in1974 .

  15. 例如,我们就必须保证托皮卡新闻与托皮卡地图用户,这些服务将继续提供来自世界各地的新闻和本地信息。

    For instance , we 'll have to assure users of Topeka News and Topeka Maps that these services will continue to offer news and local information from across the globe .

  16. 四年前,父亲驾车一路从丹佛开到了托皮卡,车后备箱中装着一棵8英尺高的科罗拉多蓝杉。就这样,我和丈夫在我们的土地上种上了这棵来自科罗拉多州的植物。

    Four years ago , my father drove all the way from Denver to Topeka , with an eight foot Colorado Blue Spruce in his trunk , so that my husband and I could have a part of Colorado growing on our land .