
tuō luò cí jī zhǔ yì
  • Trotskyism
  1. 人们指责新保守主义犯了许多错误:帝国主义、列宁主义、托洛茨基主义(纽约学派)和军国主义。

    The neo-cons stand accused of many errors : imperialism , Leninism , Trotskyism ( New York school ), militarism .

  2. 陈独秀在走向托洛茨基主义后,就开始以不断革命论即托洛茨基主义理论来解释中国社会性质和中国革命的一系列问题。

    After CHEN Du xiu adopted Trotskyism , he commenced to justify a series of issues such as the nature of Chinese society and Chinese revolution with the theory of " Non end Revolution ", or in other words , with the theory of Trotskyism .

  3. 该党开除了托洛茨基主义的激进派。

    The party threw out the Trotskyist Militant Tendency .

  4. 国际主义是托洛茨基主义的基本原则。

    A internationalism was a fundamental canon of trotskyism .

  5. 第一个被外部人所利用,这些人不是机会主义者就是笨头笨脑。他们希望复兴托洛茨基主义(主张通过革命在全球实现社会主义)或打垮美国。

    One is capture by outsiders , either opportunistic or batty , who wish to revive Trotskyism or bash America .

  6. 1927年中国大革命失败是其政治思想变化的分界点,大革命失败前郑超麟信仰马克思主义,大革命失败后畈依托洛茨基主义。

    The Failure of the Great Revolution in 1927 was the boundary of his political ideology evolution . Before the failure of the great revolution , Zheng accepted Marxism , after then he relied on Trotskyism .