
rén mín zhèn xiàn
  • popular front
  1. 不出所料,人民阵线没能突破5%大关。

    The Popular Front failed , as expected , to pass the 5 per cent barrier .

  2. 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线(总指挥部)

    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( General Command )

  3. 人民阵线在欧洲占有正式地位之前早已成为南威尔士的一种现实。

    The popular front was a reality in South Wales long before it was official in europe .

  4. 人民阵线在今年大选中期望获得更多的选票。

    The people 's front expect to pick up a lot more votes in this year 's elections .

  5. 波罗申科阵营和人民阵线可能组成联盟,同其他亲欧洲政党共同组建下一届政府。

    Poroshenko Bloc and Popular Front are likely to form a coalition together with other pro-European parties to form the next government .

  6. 新任政治顾问沃洛金是全俄人民阵线的创立者。

    The new political advisor , Vyacheslav Volodin , was a founder of the Russia Popular Front , a support group of trade unions and professional groups .

  7. 他在和全俄人民阵线成员讲话时呼吁进行一个透明的选举,使用干净的塑料投票箱。

    Talking to Front members , he called for transparent election , using clear plastic ballot boxes . He stressed his desire that election be perceived - in Russia and overseas - as legitimate .

  8. 我们派人去人民革命阵线基地偷那些核武器。

    We have people at the PRF base stealing the nukes .

  9. 这个秘密电台是人民自由阵线办的。

    The secret radio is run by the people 's freedom front .

  10. 解放巴勒斯坦人民革命阵线

    Popular Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Palestine

  11. 巴勒斯坦人民斗争阵线(人斗阵)

    Palestine Popular Struggle Front ( FLPP )

  12. 塞舌尔人民进步阵线

    Seychelles People 's Progressive Front

  13. 巴勒斯坦人民斗争阵线

    Palestine Popular Struggle Front

  14. 高棉人民民族解放阵线

    National Front for the Liberation of the Khmer People

  15. 革命人民拯救党阵线

    Revolutionary People 's Salvation Party Front