
  • 网络RMB settlement;Settlement Service
  1. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。

    The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB .

  2. 中银香港(bankofchina(hongkong))执行董事兼副总裁高迎新表示,2010年7月中国签署新的人民币结算协议后,香港人民币存款的迅速增长尤其明显。

    The rapid growth in Renminbi deposits in Hong Kong was especially marked from July 2010 , when China signed the new renminbi clearing agreement , said Gao Yingxin , executive director and deputy chief executive of Bank of China ( Hong Kong ) .

  3. 伦敦金属交易所(LME)正考虑让交易商们有机会用人民币结算合约,此举可能导致这家已有135年历史的英国交易所放弃使用英镑作为结算货币。

    The London Metal Exchange is looking at offering traders the chance to settle its contracts in renminbi , a move that could lead to its dropping sterling after 135 years .

  4. 港交所计划推出大宗商品衍生产品,而伦敦金属交易所(lme)它本身是港交所的一个潜在收购目标正考虑向交易商提供用人民币结算合约的选择。

    HKEx plans to launch commodities derivatives while the London Metal Exchange , itself a potential bid target for HKEx , is considering offering traders the chance to settle its contracts in the Chinese currency .

  5. GazpromNeft是国有巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)旗下的石油子公司,该公司上周五表示自2015年初开始,它一直用人民币结算通过东西伯利亚-太平洋石油管道向中国出口的石油。

    Gazprom Neft , the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom , said on Friday that since the start of 2015 it had been selling in renminbi all of its oil for export down the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline to China .

  6. 试点以来,辽宁省跨境贸易人民币结算业务平稳增长。

    Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .

  7. 感觉他们完全不理会用人民币结算的想法。

    It seems that they totally dismiss the idea of renminbi settlement . '

  8. 关于跨境贸易人民币结算试点对外汇管理政策影响的研究

    Research on the effects of pilot cross-border RMB settlement on foreign exchange regulation

  9. 所有价格均用人民币结算并加收15%服务费。

    All the above prices are in RMB and subject to15 % service charge .

  10. 它可以用人民币结算吗?

    Can it be settled on rmb ?

  11. 汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;

    It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in6 continents .

  12. 您可以通过您在花旗银行的人民币结算帐户开立支票,供同城结算使用。

    You may issue checks in RMB from your RMB settlement account for intra-city transactions .

  13. 越来越多的领取外币薪水的工作人员要求用人民币结算薪水。

    Receiving more and more requests for staff salaries in foreign currency with RMB salary .

  14. 中国与东盟一般贸易人民币结算难点与对策研究

    Research on the Difficulties and Countermeasures of RMB General Trade Settlement between China and ASEAN

  15. 以此来说明我国虽然发展跨境贸易人民币结算进程中存在不少问题,但是前景更是非常广阔。

    Despite many problems , the prospect of RMB settlement in cross-border trade is very promising .

  16. 我们会开一份以你为受益人的以人民币结算的信用证。

    We shall open a letter of credit in your favor to be settled in RMB .

  17. 如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。

    Don 't you wish to employ RMB of ours ? US Dollars might be adopted .

  18. 双方还互换了此前已经签署的跨境贸易人民币结算账户协议文本。

    The two banks also exchanged copies of agreements on settle accounts in China 's Yuan .

  19. 中国与亚洲其它地区的贸易不断扩大,将促进香港的人民币结算业务。

    Rising Chinese trade with the rest of Asia will boost renminbi settlement in Hong Kong .

  20. 美国和英国等许多国家都允许在国际交易中使用人民币结算。

    The renminbi is allowed in international transactions by several countries , including the US and the UK .

  21. 希望本文的研究能为商业银行跨境贸易人民币结算操作风险管理提供借鉴。

    This study can hope to the RMB cross-border trade settlement operational risk management to provide a reference .

  22. 鼓励国内的商业银行在10+1成员国内开设分支机构,以为推广使用人民币结算创造条件;

    Encourage Chinese commercial banks to open branches in 10 + 1 member countries to provide RMB settlement services ;

  23. 目前,95%以上的中越边境贸易采用人民币结算。

    At present , more than 95 % of border trade between China and Vietnam is settled by RMB .

  24. 2012年,以人民币结算的贸易额有望达到4250亿美元,比2011年增长了近30%。

    Trade in renminbi in 2012 is on track for $ 425bn , up almost 30 per cent on 2011 .

  25. 我们首先实行了货物贸易在香港以人民币结算的试点。

    We have also run the pilot program of settling cross-border trade in goods in RMB first in Hong Kong .

  26. 中国银行周一宣布已于当日清晨完成首笔跨境贸易人民币结算业务。

    The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .

  27. 然而,无论在理论分析层面,还是从实际调查的角度,跨境人民币结算业务都存在着巨大的争议。

    However , whether in theoretical analysis or investigation , RMB Settlement in cross-broader trade transaction is still in dispute .

  28. 多数在国内市场以人民币结算的中国企业债券都被地方银行抢购一空。

    Most Chinese corporate bonds denominated in the onshore yuan currency - CNY - are snapped up by local banks .

  29. 除此之外,经济学家表示尚不清楚以人民币结算的贸易中有多少是有真实贸易往来支撑的。

    In addition , economists say it is unclear what proportion of renminbi-settled trade is backed by genuine trade flows .

  30. 新加坡不久将开通人民币结算业务,人民币稳步国际化的进程又将向前迈进一步。

    Singapore will soon offer renminbi clearing , another step in the steady march toward internationalisation of the Chinese currency .