
  • 网络Bank card industry;bankcard industry
  1. 银行卡产业近来受到来自理论界和政府部门的广泛关注。

    There has been a recent surge of attention to BankCard industry from the academic circles and the governmental section .

  2. 近年来,欧盟“单一欧元支付区”建设带来了银行卡产业的深刻变革。

    The development of the Single Euro Payments Area has brought great changes to European bankcard industry in recent year .

  3. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  4. 第5章分析了德阳市银行卡产业发展的历程、现状及存在的问题,通过SWOT分析法分析了德阳市银行卡产业发展的优势、劣势、机遇及挑战。

    The fifth chapter analyze the course , actualities and problems of the development of bank card industry in DeYang . It analyzes the superiority , inferior position , opportunity and challenge using the SWOT .

  5. 齐齐哈尔市银行卡产业存在的问题及发展战略

    The Problems and Developmental Strategy of Bank Cards Industry of Qiqihar

  6. 银行卡产业发展的瓶颈与对策探析

    The Bottleneck of the Development of Bank Card Industry and Countermeasures

  7. 解读韩日澳三国银行卡产业之发展

    View on Banking Card Industry in Korea , Japan and Australia

  8. 银行卡产业发展政府责无旁贷

    The Government should Play an Active Role in Bank Card Industry Development

  9. 中国银行卡产业的市场结构与价格行为研究

    Research on Market Structure and Pricing Conduct of Bank Card Industry in China

  10. 银行卡产业消费需求影响因素分析

    An Analysis on Influencing Factors of Consumer 's Demands in Bank Card Industry

  11. 境内银行卡产业三个主要业务环节的市场结构具有以下特征。

    The market structure of the domestic bank card industry has the following features .

  12. 世界银行卡产业发展研究

    Latest Development of World Bank Card Industry

  13. 银行卡产业的兴起更是借助了网络经济的迅猛发展。

    The rising of Bank card industry also recurs to the rapid development of network economy .

  14. 第四章是本文的重点,从多个方面提出完善我国银行卡产业反垄断法律制度的建议。

    Suggestions of several aspects of perfecting bank card anti-monopoly legal system of China are advanced .

  15. 基于价值链的我国银行卡产业发展分析

    An Analysis of the Development of China 's Bank Card Industry Based on the Value Chain

  16. 每一方的市场结构和市场势力都对银行卡产业的发展具有重要的作用。

    Market structure and market power of each party are important for thedevelopment of bank card industry .

  17. 银行卡产业的市场分析是探讨定价机制的基础。

    The market analysis in this chapter is the base of the discussion for the pricing mechanism .

  18. 银行卡产业中确定价格结构的难点在于银行卡产业中的不可内部化间接网络外部性的存在。

    The difficulty of price structure research comes from unendogenetic indirect network externalities in this bankcard two-sided market .

  19. 差别定价模式有利于建立科学合理的利益分配体系,促进和保障银行卡产业的持续健康稳定发展。

    Discriminatory pricing is advantageous to establish scientific and reasonable benefits distribution institution , and can boost bankcard industry further development .

  20. 因此银行卡产业取得了突飞猛进的发展,随之也孕育了银行卡收单市场。

    Therefore rapid development has taken place in banking card industry and also it gave birth to banking card acquiring market .

  21. 纵观全球银行卡产业,银行卡组织的集中定价机制不断受到来自商户和反垄断机构的质疑。

    From the view of bankcard industry in the world , the rule run by bankcard association has been called into question .

  22. 最后在第6章提出了在政府适度干预下加快德阳市银行卡产业发展的六条政策建议。

    Finally , the sixth chapter table six proposals to expedite the development of bank card industry under the moderate government intervention .

  23. 中国的银行卡产业经过过去二十多年的摸索和培育,正逐步进入快速发展的阶段。

    After over the past 20 years of exploration and cultivation , Chinese banking card are gradually entering the stage of rapid development .

  24. 与此同时,各类信用卡欺诈案件的日趋增加,给持卡人用卡信心和银行卡产业的发展造成了严重影响。

    At the same time , all kinds of credit card fraud cases are increasing , brings bad faith to cardholders and makes a great losses to bank .

  25. 第五部分分析了我国银行卡产业的发展趋势,从保护民族银行卡产业的角度提出政策建议。

    The fifth chapter analyzes future trends of China 's bank card industry ; and it offers suggestions for policymaking from the perspective of protecting national bank card industry .

  26. 即使涉及网络经济性质研究,也是泛泛对网络产业产品而不是对银行卡产业有针对性的研究。

    Even if some papers do the research to the nature of network economic , they are only target to the network industry product , but not to the payment card industry .

  27. 宏观运行环境为银行卡产业的健康发展提供基础,微观经营主体的市场竞争能力则提升银行卡产业发展的整体水平。

    The macroscopical condition supply the basic to the healthy development of bank card industry , the market competitive ability of microcosmic proprietor upgrade the whole level of the development of bank card industry .

  28. 银行卡产业作为传统金融业务与现代信息技术有机结合的新型金融服务产业,顺应信息经济发展潮流应运而生。

    Bank card industry , which is a organic combination of the traditional financial business and modern information technology , has arisen as a new financial services industry along with the information and economic development trend .

  29. 中国从性善论出发建立起的信用卡风险控制的文化前提是恶意推定,这一方面限制了银行卡产业发展,另一方面也是建立社会化信用体系的障碍。

    The cultural prerequisite for the establishment of the credit card risk control mechanism in China on the basis of good human nature is malicious deduction , which hinders the establishment of a socialized credit system .

  30. 随着银行卡产业的迅猛发展,加之银行卡市场具有明显的双边市场和网络效应特征,越来越多的经济学家开始关注银行卡产业。

    With the rapid development of bank card industry , coupled with bank card market is obviously characterized by two-sideness and network effects , more and more economists started to pay attention to bank card industry .