
yín pái
  • silver medal
银牌 [yín pái]
  • [silver medal] 体育比赛或其他评奖活动中银制的奖牌,用于奖励第二名。也泛指第二名、第二等

银牌[yín pái]
  1. 他获得了欧洲锦标赛的银牌。

    He won a silver medal at the European Championships .

  2. 她跳高得了银牌。

    She won a silver medal in the high jump .

  3. 她在去年的锦标赛上获得银牌。

    She won silver in last year 's championships .

  4. 这个运动队获得两枚银牌和一枚铜牌。

    The team won two silvers and a bronze .

  5. 他是奥运会银牌得主。

    He 's an Olympic silver medallist .

  6. 他前年得了一枚金牌,大前年得了一枚银牌。

    The year before last he won a gold medal , and the year before that he won a silver .

  7. 吉林厄姆在首尔赢得了200米比赛的银牌。

    Gillingham won the silver medal in the 200 metres at Seoul .

  8. 德国的赫伯特·布洛克尔是年纪最大的选手之一,赢得了个人项目的银牌。

    Herbert Blocker of Germany , one of the oldest competitors , won the individual silver medal .

  9. 英国斩获了铜牌,接下来又赢得了世界杯的银牌。

    Britain went on to take bronze and then followed it up by winning silver in the World Cup .

  10. 今天的赛事中中国队获得了一块金牌两块银牌。

    The Chinese team won a gold and two silver at the races today .

  11. 上一次我参加了第78届奥运会,并赢得了银牌。

    Last time I took part in the 78th Olympics and I won the silver medal for my performance .

  12. 队友唐茜靖获得银牌,美国体操明星西蒙·拜尔斯获得铜牌。

    Guan 's teammate Tang Xijing won silver , while star US gymnast Simone Biles took the bronze .

  13. 在接下来的几年里,她又在跳台和跳板项目上赢得了三枚奥运金牌和一枚银牌。

    In the coming years , She won three more Olympic gold medals and a silver across the platform and springboard events .

  14. 除此之外,获得银牌的巴西选手雷萨·莱尔也只有13岁零203天。

    In addition to that , the silver medal winning Rayssa Leal of Brazil is also merely 13 years and 203 days old .

  15. 中国链球运动员王峥在决赛中以77.03米的成绩获得银牌,落后金牌得主波兰的安妮塔·沃达尔奇克1.45米。

    Chinese hammer thrower Wang Zheng won silver with a throw of 77.03m in the final , 1.45m behind gold medalist Anita Wlodarczyk of Poland .

  16. 她在三项竞赛中打破了世界纪录,获得两枚金牌和一枚银牌。

    She beat the world record in the three events and entered on her way to two gold medals and a silver . 6 surpass all previous records

  17. 她所在的美国队上周获得女子体操团体银牌,此前她因心理健康问题退出了几个个人项目,因而备受关注。

    The American star , who won a team silver medal last week , has been in the spotlight after withdrawing from several individual events , citing mental health challenges .

  18. 中国队以32枚金牌、21枚银牌和16枚铜牌领跑奖牌榜,美国队以25枚金牌、29枚银牌和22枚铜牌位列第二。

    Team China leads the medal table with 32 golds , 21 silvers and 16 bronzes , ahead of the United States with 25 gold , 29 silver and 22 bronze medals .

  19. B记住,银牌和铜牌也重要!

    Remember , silver and bronze are important too !

  20. 例如,假定您有向客户提供不同服务水平的Web服务:金牌客户、银牌客户和铜牌客户。

    Say , for example , you have a web service that offers different levels of service to customers : gold , silver and bronze .

  21. Facebook同时还运行Hive副本将数据推送到金牌和银牌集群,运行关键级别低一些的任务。

    Facebook also runs Hive replication to push data into Gold and Silver clusters , which run less critical jobs .

  22. 意大利选手丰塔纳(Fontana)和韩国选手升智(ParkSeung-Hi)分别摘得银牌和铜牌。

    That meant that Arianna Fontana of Italy took the silver and Park Seung-Hi of South Korea won the bronze .

  23. 前奥运会1500米银牌获得者史蒂夫•克拉姆,在之前BBC实况报道时也赞同:博尔特毫无疑问“是史上最伟大的参赛选手”。

    Former Olympic 1500m silver medallist Steve Cram , who was commentating for BBC Sport , agreed Bolt was the " greatest ever . "

  24. 在这次奥运会中,瑞士获得一枚金牌(来自于MarcelFisher参加的击剑比赛),一枚银牌和三枚铜牌。

    In the2004 games , Switzerland won one gold ( from Marcel Fisher in fencing ), one silver and three bronze medals .

  25. 金妍儿最大的竞争对手、日本选手浅田真央(MaoAsada)因为出现了一系列小失误,最后得分远远落后,获得银牌。

    A series of minute mistakes set her closest rivals far behind her in the final tally .

  26. 加拿大选手RyanCochrane用14分44秒46获得银牌,而匈牙利选手GergeoKis使用14分45秒66获得铜牌。

    Canada 's Ryan Cochrane took the silver in14:44.46 , while Hungary 's Gergo Kis won bronze in14: 45.66 .

  27. 波兰铁饼运动员彼得•马瓦霍夫斯基(PiotrMalachowski)在2008年北京奥运会时拿到了银牌。

    Piotr Malachowski , a Polish discus thrower won a silver medal at the Beijing Games in 2008 .

  28. 曾在2004年为英国获得奥运会羽毛球银牌的盖尔埃姆斯(GailEmms)观看了比赛。埃姆斯说,这对羽毛球运动来说是非常令人难堪的事,且有违奥林匹克精神。

    Gail Emms , a 2004 British Olympic badminton silver medallist watching the game , said it was very embarrassing for the sport and was not in the Olympic spirit .

  29. 梅里特是当前在上海的七个奥运冠军之一,英国跳远金牌得主GregRutherford也要与来自雅典和北京的奥运冠军竞争&以及伦敦的银牌得主。

    Merritt is one of seven current Olympic champions in Shanghai , where British long jump gold medalist Greg Rutherford is also competing against champions from Athens and Beijing - as well as the silver medalist from London .

  30. 我很好奇JohnLeonard会不会质疑北京奥运期间41岁的美国运动员DaraTorres50米自由泳夺取银牌的合法性。那个时候Dara也破了美国记录。

    Ddarko : I look forward to John Leonard questioning the legitimacy of 41-year-old American swimmer Dara Torres winning a silver medal in the 50m freestyle at the Beijing Olympics with a time that set an American record .