
  • 网络Royal Free Hospital
  1. 几个月前在伦敦皇家自由医院(RoyalFreeHospital),两位健康的但密集接触埃博拉的工作人员被注射了MIL77。

    At Royal Free Hospital in London several months ago , two healthy workers with serious exposure to Ebola were given MIL77 .

  2. 三人都将被送到伦敦西北部的皇家自由医院(RoyalFreeHospital),该院拥有救治埃博拉病人的专用隔离单元。

    All three will be taken to the Royal Free Hospital in northwest London , which has a specialized isolation unit to treat Ebola patients .

  3. 英国皇家自由医院的结核病专家StephenGillespie同意这一评论。

    Stephen Gillespie , a TB expert at the Royal Free Hospital in the United Kingdom , agrees .

  4. 不过,这种开放是有限度的——整个平台由DeepMind根据一项有时间限制的许可协议(阻止皇家自由医院与其他任何提供商直接合作)严格拥有和掌控。

    Open , that is , except that the platform is strictly owned and controlled by DeepMind under a time-bound licence that prevents the Royal Free hospital working directly with any other provider .

  5. 根据与伦敦皇家自由医院签订的协议,谷歌被允许访问获得160万患者的病历记录。

    Streams came from a deal with London 's Royal Free hospital that gave Google access to 1.6 million patient records .