
  • 网络queenstown;ZQN;Queen Town
  1. 从拐子角农场酒店,我坐飞机抵达皇后镇(Queenstown),这儿基本上是全球毫无争议的冒险游圣地。

    From there I flew to Queenstown , the more or less undisputed global capital of adventure and adrenalin .

  2. 他们最长的一段旅程历经了6个小时,从克赖斯特彻奇到皇后镇。

    Their longest journey was a6 hour drive from Christchurch to Queenstown .

  3. 新西兰皇后镇的KawaruBridge是蹦极跳的发源地。

    Kawaru Bridge in Queensland , New Zealand is the birthplace of the bungee jump .

  4. 在过去25年,世界各地的冒险者来到皇后镇只是为了得到从历史悠久的KawaruBridge上纵身一跃的机会。

    For over 25 years , adventure lovers from all over the world have made the visit to Queensland just to get the chance to jump off the historic Kawaru Bridge .

  5. 作为Melview公司卡瓦劳河瀑布站开发项目的一部分,皇后镇洲际酒店预计将于2010年竣工。该酒店地理位置优越,向北可俯瞰瓦卡蒂波湖,酒店共计221间客房。

    As part of Melview 's Kawarau Falls Station site , Queenstown 's two remaining north-facing sites overlooking Lake Wakatipu , the221-room InterContinental Queenstown is due for completion in2010 .

  6. 洲际酒店首次进驻新西兰南岛瓦卡蒂波湖皇后镇洲际酒店将于2010年开张。

    Ihg 's first intercontinental hotel on new zealand 's South Island to occupy rare Lake Waka tipu site intercontinental Queenstown to open in2010 .

  7. 凭借其令人惊叹的迷人风光,新西兰皇后镇可以说是最佳去处之一,尤其当整个田地披上金色之后,这种说法就更加确凿了。

    For a jaw-dropping landscape Queenstown in New Zealand has arguably some of the best going . And this is enhanced when the farmlands turn golden .

  8. 来自新西兰南部皇后镇的警方将这名男子周一企图打开当地一小酒馆的保险柜时拍下的安全监控录像视频以及显示出男子面部的照片传到了网上。

    Queenstown police in southern New Zealand posted security-camera footage and pictures showing the man 's face as he tried to break into the safe of a local tavern on Monday .

  9. 我记得在心脏国“指环王”在新西兰南岛皇后镇的一个小村庄北的战争纪念馆。

    I recall the war memorial in a tiny village north of Queenstown in the heart of " Lord of the Rings " country on the South Island of New Zealand .

  10. 这个国家的第一个商业区在1990年建立于皇后镇,各类活动从此风起云涌,这多半归功于新西兰极限运动的名声。

    The country 's first commercial drop zone was established in1990 in Queenstown and the activity has grown quickly ever since , partly thanks to New Zealand 's reputation for extreme sports .

  11. 皇后镇正吸引着越来越多的国际运营商和投资者,而我们的卡瓦劳河瀑布站开发项目也正顺应了这一趋势。

    Queenstown has a widespread appeal that is evidenced by its proportion of international operators and investors , and our intention for the Kawarau Falls Station site is to appeal to that trend .