
  • 网络Gisborne;Gisborne, New Zealand
  1. 吉斯伯恩(新西兰)&全球最早看到新年日出的城市

    Gisborne , New Zealand & The World 's First City to See New Year 's Sunrise

  2. 吉斯伯恩一定会来报复的。

    Gisborne will surely seek revenge .

  3. 从北部的奥克兰和南部的惠灵顿到吉斯伯恩皆需乘坐1小时的飞机。

    Gisborne is an hour away by air from Auckland in the north and Wellington in the south .

  4. 吉斯伯恩附近的平原与高山有许多有趣而独一无二的地方,可以让你进行一天来回的短途旅行或野餐。

    The flats and hill country surrounding Gisborne provide many interesting and unique places to visit on day trips and picnics .