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  • 网络Jizhou;Kilju;Gilju;Kilchu
  1. 吉州窑瓷用原料考察

    An Investigation of Ceramic Raw Materials in the Jizhou Kiln Area

  2. 吉州窑天目釉瓷因具独特的斑纹和色彩而享有盛名。

    Jizhou kiln temoku were noted for its particular stripe and color .

  3. 吉州窑瓷塑的工艺特征及文化内涵

    On the Jizhou porcelain kiln process characteristics and cultural connotation

  4. 吉州窑陶瓷装饰艺术对中国瓷艺的卓越贡献

    Great Contribution of Ceramic Decorative Art of Jizhou Kiln

  5. 吉安市吉州工业园区规划设计与思考

    Design and consideration on the planning of Ji'zhou industrial park in Ji'an city

  6. 浅谈吉州窑陶瓷的装饰艺术

    The ornamental art of the ceramics from Jizhou kiln

  7. 还有明尼苏达州的伯米吉州立高中,感谢你们的收看。

    At Bemidji High School in Bemidji , Minnesota , thank you for watching .

  8. 吉州窑釉下彩绘瓷的装饰艺术特征

    The decorative characteristics and its development of the under-glazed color painting in Jizhou kiln

  9. 主要针对吉州窑白地釉下彩绘瓷的装饰艺术特征、传承与发展进行了论述。

    This paper mainly summarized the decorative arts features of Jizhou kiln under-glazed color painted porcelain .

  10. 从吉州窑瓷看南北陶瓷文化交流

    Porcelain Cultural Exchange between the South and the North as Evidenced by the Jizhou Kiln Porcelain

  11. 吉州窑与民俗

    Jizhou Kiln & Folk Customs

  12. 宋元书院与地方文化&吉州地区书院、学术与民间宗教

    Academies in Song and Yuan Dynasty and Local Culture : Academy , Academic and Folk Religions in Jizhou Region

  13. 吉州窑是我国宋元时期江南地区一座举世闻名的综合性民营瓷窑。

    Jizhou kiln was a world-famous folk-run porcelain kiln in the south area of the Yangzi River in the Song and Yuan Dynasties .

  14. 吉州窑瓷器既表现了当时当地民俗,又形成了自身的瓷俗。

    The porcelain produced in Jizhou kiln , which varied with the folk customs , shows the local folk customs and formed its own style .

  15. 在南宋徽宗时期,吉州窑的黑釉瓷有很大的发展,中国古代手工业的生产和发展,由家庭副业、然后转为窑主、商人的经营。

    In the period of Hui Zong emperor , Nan Song Dynasty , there is a great development of Black glaze chinaware made by Jizhou kiln .

  16. 尽管如此,测试发生在咸镜北道省的吉州附近,科学家们不仅仅是观测了地震影响的强度。

    Helpfully , though , the event took place near Poongkye-ri in NorthHamkyong Province , which , Scientists do more than look at the strength of seismic impact .

  17. 本文综合叙述了对吉州窑附近主要陶瓷原料(包括植物灰)的考察结果。

    In this article a comprehensive mention is made of the investigation results of the main ceramic raw materials ( including some plant ashes ) in the Jizhou Kiln area .

  18. 景德镇湖田窑窑址的南宋、元地层出土了类吉州窑、类建窑以及自具特色的黑釉瓷片。

    Some black glazed porcelain sherds which like Jizhou ware , Jian ware and have their own features were also excavated from Southern Song and Yuan strata of Hutian kiln .

  19. 根据辣椒生长的特性,从气候条件及市场效益角度简要分析了吉州区发展大棚秋延后辣椒栽培的可行性和必要性,并提出了栽培中的气象适用技术和具体的推广建议。

    According to the features of capsicum cultivation in shelter the author analyzed the feasibility and necessity of capsicum growing after autumn in Jizhou district , therefore presented practical weather service and suggestion on technique spreading .

  20. 讨论了这些黑釉瓷的命名问题,胎、釉的特点及其与建阳窑、吉州窑黑釉瓷的区别和某些瓷片中兔毫纹的形成机理。

    The nomenclature of these black glazed wares , the characteristics of their bodies and glazes , the differences between these black glazed wares and Jianyang and Jizhou ones , and the formation mechanism of the hare 's fur in some shards have been discussed .