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  1. 小船随着海浪起伏有致。

    The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea .

  2. 科罗娜塔墙纸给餐厅增添了一种整齐有致的气氛。

    The Coronata wallpaper lends a formal air to the dining room .

  3. 故事曲折有致。

    The plot is intricate and full of interest .

  4. 花木栽得疏密有致。

    The flowers and trees are well spaced .

  5. 它的点划分明,粗细有致,一波三折。

    Some strokes are thick , some are thin , with differences in the lines .

  6. 由于普遍接受的理想身材是苗条而又玲珑有致的“沙漏”型身材,因此很多女性都为了能够穿进最小号的衣服而承受了不少压力。

    Women might feel pressured into being able to fit the smallest clothing size available , due to the prevalence of the ideal of a very slim , hourglass shape .

  7. 提示COPD早期就有致纤维化因素存在,若早期进行干预,可能延缓COPD的结构重塑。

    It is hypothesized that early intervention might prevente lung structure remodeling in COPD .

  8. 结论①含热量19.33kJ/g的高脂饲料对雌性SD大鼠有致肥胖作用。

    Conclusion High-fat diet ( 19.33 kJ / g ) can induce obesity in female SD rats .

  9. 选取对人体鼻咽癌(KB)细胞有致毒活性的中药活性成分进行QSAR研究。

    TCM with toxicity to KB cell was selected to study with QSAR .

  10. 结论IL-2有致痫作用,NMDAR-1I、L-2R和ER在致痫活动中可能存在协同和互动作用。

    Conclusion IL-2 could induce epilepsy . There exist cooperation and interaction between NMDAR-1 , IL-2R and ER in epileptogenic mechanisms .

  11. hs-CRP有致动脉硬化作用。

    The hs-CRP may lead to atherosclerosis of arteries .

  12. 未发现C7F(14)对人体外周血淋巴细胞有致染色体畸变的效应,亦未观察到姊妹染色单体互换(SCE)频率的增高。

    , and negative in chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange tests with human peripheral lymphocytes .

  13. 结论在本试验条件下,未发现MTBE无铅防爆汽油有致突变性和染色体损伤作用。

    Conclusions No mutagenicity and damage to chromosome caused by MTBE unleaded gasoline was found in this experiment .

  14. 因此,ox-LDL除了有致动脉粥样硬化作用,还可能诱导心肌肥厚。

    Hence , in addition to atherogenic effects , ox-LDL may also affect cardiac myocytes leading to myocardial hypertrophy .

  15. 结论在MIRI的过程中,IL-1和IL-8对心肌有致损作用,而IL-10则具心肌保护作用。

    Conclusion In the process of MIRI , IL-1 and IL-8 may cause myocardial injury , but IL-10 has myocardial protective effect .

  16. 上述结果表明人工合成矿尘1、2、3号对Wistar大鼠有致肺肉瘤效应。

    The results showed that the artificial synthetic mine dust ( No.1,2,3 ) was related to the lung sarcoma formation on Wistar rats , which is reported for the first time .

  17. 梨形身材的女性通常上半身比较瘦,而臀部宽大,背影凹凸有致,比如碧昂斯(Beyonce),艾丽西亚•凯斯(AliciaKeys)和凯特•温斯莱特(KateWinslet)。

    Pear-shaped women typically have a smaller top half , with wider hips and a shapely behind . Famous examples include Beyonce , Alicia Keys and Kate Winslet .

  18. 内森让公司里一个稚嫩的程序员凯勒布(Caleb)飞到他在阿拉斯加的藏身处,来测试这个玲珑有致的人工智能机器人,会不会比人类书呆子更聪明。

    Nathan has a peach-fuzz coder in his firm , Caleb , fly to his hideaway in Alaska to test whether the curvy artificial-intelligence machine can outwit a nerdy human .

  19. 提示临床上应充分重视对合并Hp感染的肝硬化患者的抗Hp治疗,并应警惕此类患者长期单纯使用强抑酸剂有致血氨升高之虞。

    It is suggested that the anti Hp therapy clinically is very important for the patients of cirrhosis company with Hp infection and we should pay much attention to that the ammonia will be increasing if the strong antacid are only used to the patients for a long time .

  20. 检测31例肾移植急性排斥患者血中OKT3水平,发现经OKT3治疗有效患者明显低于无效者(P<0.005),体外实验证实有效患者血清有致T细胞CD3抗原调变作用;

    The plasma level of OKT_3 was detected in 31 patients showing acute rejection after renal transplantation . The concentration of OKT_3 was significantly lower in patients on whom OKT_3 treatment was effective than in those OKT_3 was ineffective ( P < 0.005 ) .

  21. FNR凹凸有致的外壳由碳纤维一类材质构成,以减轻车重,特别设计的进气口让整个车身平添几分动感,也提高了空气动力学性能。

    The FNR 's sculpted exterior panels are made from composites like carbon fiber to save weight , and designed with air intakes that add drama and aerodynamic flow to the overall shape .

  22. BettyDraper总能跟把60年代风尚展露得淋漓尽致,但是JoanHolloway凹凸有致的身材的确能让平淡无奇的工作服变得别有风味。

    Sure Betty Draper knows how to keep up with the latest ' 60s styles , but it 's Joan Holloway and those dangerous curves that make workwear look wow 。 Add her updo , and that wiggle in her hips and it 's clear there 's no competition here 。

  23. 三项试验的结果均表明吲熟酯未显有致突变作用。

    The results also showed that the Ethylchlozate has no mutagenicity .

  24. 儒家是一种鸢飞鱼跃、活泼有致的生命哲学,重日用伦常,提倡和谐中庸之美。

    It is a kind of philosophy attitude to the life .

  25. 泪水从眼中流淌出来,我的胸口起伏有致。

    Tears streamed from my eyes , and my chest heaved .

  26. 第五,语言的操作营构出精细有致的日常生活氛围。

    The fifth , the use of language constructs sophisticated life atmosphere .

  27. 在有些病人中发现此药有致幻的副作用。

    In some patients the drug has beenfound to have hallucinatory side-effects .

  28. 不规则的斜条纹还能穿出玲珑有致的感觉。

    Askew diagonal stripes can add to a curvy look .

  29. 铝和铝盐对植物有致突变作用;

    A1 and its salts are mutagenic to plants ;

  30. 他从容地、准确地背诵了一段,背得舒缓有致,有声有色。

    He recited the passage deliberately , accurately with slow , impressive emphasis .