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yǒu shì
  • busy;worry;problems;occupied;be engaged;when problems crop up;if sth.happens;resort to arms;use military forces
有事 [yǒu shì]
  • (1) [when problems crop up;if sth.happens]∶惹事;出现变故

  • 家里有事了

  • (2) [problems]∶有工作干

  • 他有事干了,能自立了

  • (3) [worry]∶忧愁或顾虑

  • 他心里有事,看上去不大高兴

  • (4) [occupied;busy]∶忙,不闲

  • 我现在有事,不能陪你出去

  • (5) [resort to arms;use military forces]∶指军事,即用兵

  • 季氏将有事于 颛臾。--《论语.季氏》

有事[yǒu shì]
  1. 我晚上和一个客户有事。

    I 'll be engaged with a client this evening .

  2. 为了让我有事可做,他们为我买了一台DVD播放器。

    To keep me occupied they brought me a DVD player .

  3. 听着,我有事要告诉你。

    Listen , there 's something I have to tell you .

  4. 孩子们有事没事总是在争吵。

    The children are always bickering about something or other .

  5. 他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。

    He left the party early on the pretext of having to work .

  6. 你们都围过来好吗?我有事要告诉你们。

    Can you all gather round ? I 've got something to tell you .

  7. 他借口有事要处理,早早离开了聚会。

    He left the party early on the pretext of having work to do .

  8. 有事吗?我能帮你什么忙?

    Yes ? How can I help you ?

  9. 你明晚有事吗?

    Are you doing anything tomorrow evening ?

  10. 爵爷有事出去了。

    His Lordship is away on business .

  11. 她知道加布里埃尔有事瞒着她。

    She knew that Gabriel was keeping something from her .

  12. 如果我们大家团结在一起,就不会有事。

    If we all stick together , we ought to be okay .

  13. 她马上知道了他有事瞒着她。

    She knew at once that he was concealing something from her .

  14. 他有事总和朋友推心置腹地拿出来谈。

    He always talked things over with his friends

  15. 艾莉森不是那种有事瞒着自己父亲的人。

    Alison was not the sort of person to hide anything from her dad .

  16. 我实在不愿打断你们的私人谈话,但是我们确实有事要谈。

    I hate to interrupt your intimate conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss .

  17. “您说过有事要问我,”他彬彬有礼地说。

    ' You said there was something you wanted to ask me , ' he said politely

  18. “别担心我,”我说,“我不会有事的。”

    ' Don 't worry about me , ' I said . ' I 'll be okay . '

  19. “如果你们有事要忙就不用陪我们了,好么?”——“哦,我们可不想不受欢迎。”

    ' Could you not stay with us while you are solving your mystery ? ' — ' Oh , we don 't want to wear out our welcome . '

  20. 如果你有事的话,就不要来了。

    Don 't come if you 're busy .

  21. 他推托有事,没有参加今天的晚会。

    He made an excuse and did not come to the party this evening .

  22. 既然有事,何不早说?

    Since you have a previous engagement , why didn 't you say so ?

  23. 有事大家做。

    We should all share the work .

  24. 我今天下午有事。

    I 'm engaged this afternoon .

  25. 肯定有事发生了,可是什么事呢?是怎么发生的?又为什么发生呢?

    Something was cooking , but what , how , why ?

  26. 我今天来找您是有事相求。

    I 'm here today to ask a favour of you .

  27. 既是他有事,我就不等了。

    Since he 's engaged , I won 't wait for him .

  28. 你找我有事吗?

    Do you want to see me about something ?

  29. 他说有事,不过是托词。

    He said he was busy , but that was just an excuse .

  30. 他有事外出,我没见到他。

    He has gone away on business so I didn 't see him .