
  1. 他说,一座城市需要有梦的人来推动其发展。

    A city needs people who have dreams , to help society develop .

  2. 虽然电视看起来是为万众瞩目的最快途径,但其他现代技术手段同样为有明星梦的人提供毛遂自荐的机会。

    Though TV might seem to be the fastest route into the spotlight , other types of modern-day technology also offer chances for self-promotion to wanna-be stars .

  3. 超级女生成为众多选秀节目的引领者。为那些有着明星梦的人提供了舞台。

    Super Girl became a trailblazing show in China , spawning a plethora of similar shows that have provided a stage for star-wannabes .