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  1. 《道德经》中有着丰富的贵生、养生思想。

    There were very rich thoughts of health preserving in Daodejing .

  2. 他让贵生教,教他怎么搂。

    He lets expensive living to teach , teach him how to hug .

  3. 三是研究当前贵生之德的迷失及原因。

    Thirdly , analyze the reason of the current " respecting life " lost .

  4. 四是研究贵生之德的现代价值及其悖论。

    Fourthly , introduce the modern value and paradox of " respecting life " .

  5. 短篇小说《丈夫》《贵生》《三三》和长篇小说《长河》等。

    Short story husbands Your Health thirty-third and the novel river and so on .

  6. 人修道成仙只能在今生完成,因为人的生命只有一次,所以生命对人来说具有绝对性,故贵生养生、修道成仙,使生命永恒,是人生最有价值的事情。

    The cultivation must be finished in this only life , which is absolute to man .

  7. 论复卦的贵生思想及其现实意义

    On the thought of " valuing life " conceived in hexagram Fu and its actual significance

  8. 着重分析了吴筠道教美学思想的重点&贵生美。

    The analysis of the key idea of Wu Yun 's Taoist aesthetic thoughts - Life is to be valued .

  9. 乱世中的生命追求&论《颜氏家训》的贵生思想

    The Pursuit of Life in the Troubled Times & On the Thoughts of High Value of Life in Yan Family Instructions

  10. 此书针对立身、为官、处世等各个方面,比较全面地展示了颜之推饱经乱世忧患的人生经验和思想性格,反映了他贵生保身的人生态度。

    Yan 's experience of life and ideological character with full hardships during the troubled times and reflect his philosophy of life on high value of life and play safe .

  11. 天禄缓慢的侧着头,很轻的吻着贵生的唇角:“你的嘴巴好软,吃起来一定很好香。”

    Side with slow-moving Lu in the sky wears a head and lightly kisses expensive rare lips Cape : " Your mouth is very soft , eat definitely very nice joss-stick . "

  12. 天禄张开了双唇,辗转的抿吻着贵生的唇角,还边吻边说:“我这么对你,到底对不对?”

    Lu in the sky opened double lips , closed lightly to kiss expensive rare lips Cape at third hand and returned to kiss meantime saying : " I so to you , accurate right ?"

  13. 中国传统贵生之德具有极为丰富的思想内容和非常珍贵的理论价值,它的许多原则和思想内容在21世纪的今天对人们的工作和生活都起着非常重要的影响。

    Chinese traditional virtue of " respecting life " has extremely rich ideological content and very precious theoretical value . Many of its principles and ideas influence our working and life so much on today ' s21st century .

  14. 传统社会宗教与医疗有着密切的联系,道教由于奉行尊人贵生的传统,对我国的传统医疗有着较大的影响。

    In a traditional society there is a close connection between religion and medical treatment . Taoism , as a result of paying attention to a tradition on literati keeping in good health , has exerted a great influence on our traditional treatment .

  15. 二是以先秦儒、道、墨为例,对中国传统的贵生思想的研究。

    The book " Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor " think " People is the most precious in the world " . Secondly , research the Chinese traditional virtue of " respecting life ", use the pre-Qin period Confucianism , Taoism and Mohist School as example .

  16. 我申请攻读贵系研究生。

    I wish to apply for admission to your department as a postgraduate student .

  17. 棕色的鸡蛋比白色的鸡蛋更贵,因为生棕色鸡蛋的母鸡更大,需要更多食物。

    Brown eggs are more expensive than white eggs because hens that produce brown eggs are larger and require more food .