
ɡuì zhòu
  • descendant of nobles;descendants of feudal rulers or aristocrats
贵胄 [guì zhòu]
  • [offspring of the nobility] 贵族的后裔

  • 开府置佐史,并以贵胄充之。--《陈书.江总传》

  1. 这些长老贵胄就假装相信他们的话。

    The rulers were to pretend they believed the two witnesses .

  2. 贵胄在升显的时候不甚受嫉。

    Persons of noble blood , are less envied in their rising .

  3. 手执利剑的人已经推翻了王室贵胄。

    Men of the sword had overthrown nobles and kings .

  4. 我们是年青的贵胄,尚未能戴上冠冕。

    We are young nobles , and have not yet worn our coronets .

  5. 贵胄很不高兴地将金币收回,奖给了头一个仆人。

    Gui Zhou calls in gold coin very grouchily , award gave a head a lackey .

  6. 子孙他是皇族贵胄,生活上却很简朴。

    Though he is a descendant of an aristocratic family , he leads a simple and frugal life .

  7. 往往那些权倾天下的贵胄是最没仁慈之心的我总是情不自禁想起这事

    Sometimes those with the most power have the least grace . I can 't stop thinking about it .

  8. 几个世纪以来,所有的日耳曼人都要嫁给俄罗斯的皇亲贵胄,如果双方彼此都没结婚的话。

    For centuries all Germans were married to Russians in terms ofnobility and royalty if they weren 't marrying each other .

  9. 其次是提哥亚人修造。但是他们的贵胄不用肩(肩原文作颈项)担他们主的工作。

    And next unto them the Tekoites repaired ; but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their LORD .

  10. 他出生于犹大支派的一个贵胄家庭(3节),不单长得英俊不凡,而且还才智聪敏。

    He had probably been a prince of the house of Judah ( v.3 ) . He was good looking and intelligent .

  11. 尼6:17在那些日子犹大的贵胄屡次寄信与多比雅、比雅也来信与他们。

    Also in those days many letters went from the nobles of Judah to Tobiah , and Tobiah 's letters came to them .

  12. 以东人要召贵胄来治国,那里却无一个。首领也都归于无有。

    They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom , but none shall be there , and all her princes shall be nothing .

  13. 那时有馀剩的贵胄和百姓一同下来。耶和华降临,为我攻击勇士。

    Then he made him that remaineth have dominion over the nobles among the people : the LORD made me have dominion over the mighty .

  14. 他的血统里有高尚的血液….贵胄的品质,然而,我怕他在他那未受教育的少年时代所养成的生番习性已大大损害了他这种品质。

    There was excellent blood in his veins-royal stuff ; though sadly vitiated , I fear , by the cannibal propensity he nourished in his untutored youth .

  15. 赛13:2应当在净光的山竖立大旗、向群众扬声招手、使他们进入贵胄的门。

    Lift up a standard on the bare hill , Raise your voice to them , Wave the hand that they may enter the doors of the nobles .

  16. 我的神感动我心,招聚贵胄,官长,和百姓,要照家谱计算。我找着第一次上来之人的家谱,其上写着。

    And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles , and the rulers , and the people , that they might be reckoned by genealogy .

  17. 那时,他们英俊的外表和表演天赋吸引来了成堆的信和日记。他们被视为皇亲贵胄&高高在上的一族。

    Handsome and gifted , they crop up in letters and diaries throughout the period , and were generally regarded as a kind of royalty : a race apart .

  18. 多年来这里一直是旅游胜地,尽管最近更以富豪贵胄云集而闻名。

    The Lake has been a popular tourist destination for many years , although in recent times it has developed a reputation as the haunt of the rich and famous .

  19. 达官贵胄中最后进来的是他叔叔,守夜人部队的班扬·史塔克,以及父亲年轻的养子席恩·葛雷乔伊。

    The last of the high lords to enter were his uncle , Benjen Stark of the Night 's Watch , and his father 's ward , young Theon Greyjoy .

  20. 我心里筹划,就斥责贵胄和官长说,你们各人向弟兄取利。

    Then I consulted with myself , and I rebuked the nobles , and the rulers , and said unto them , Ye exact usury , every one of his brother .

  21. 亚述王阿,你的牧人睡觉,你的贵胄安歇。你的人民散在山间,无人招聚。

    Thy shepherds slumber , O king of Assyria : thy nobles shall dwell in the dust : thy people is scattered upon the mountains , and no man gathereth them .

  22. 邦国阿,你的王若是贵胄之子,你的群臣按时吃喝,为要补力,不为酒醉,你就有福了。

    Blessed art thou , O land , when thy king is the son of nobles , and thy princes eat in due season , for strength , and not for drunkenness !

  23. 于是托亚哈的名写信,用王的印印上,送给那些与拿伯同城居住的长老贵胄。

    So she wrote letters in Ahab 's name , placed his seal on them , and sent them to the elders and nobles who lived in Naboth 's city with him .

  24. 人工神经网络在老采空区残余沉降的应用研究那时有余剩的贵胄和百姓一同下来。耶和华降临,为我攻击勇士。

    An Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting the Residual Subsidence of Abandoned Mine Goaf Then the chiefs went down to the doors ; the Lord 's people went down among the strong ones .

  25. 就是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒掳掠犹大王约雅敬的儿子耶哥尼雅,和犹大,耶路撒冷一切贵胄的时候所没有掠去的器皿。

    Which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took not , when he carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon , and all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem ;

  26. 我对贵胄,官长,和其馀的人说,这工程浩大,我们在城墙上相离甚远。

    And I said unto the nobles , and to the rulers , and to the rest of the people , The work is great and large , and we are separated upon the wall , one far from another .

  27. 最主要的便是其环境感受者从过去的皇家贵胄,富商大贾转变成现在的社会大众,于是现代环境设计的形式,功能,种类等都有了相应的调整和发展。

    The most important is the changes in landscape of the people from the royal nobles , rich merchants into the common ones . So that the forms , functions , types of the modern landscape has adjusted and developed .

  28. 历史上,从皇族贵胄到平民富豪,对于银饰的制作和使用都极为盛行和普遍,但限于封建思想和阶级等级,少有民族能像苗族那样将银饰发展到极致。

    Historically , the civilian population from the royal family to rich , for the production and use of silver is extremely popular and widespread , but confined to feudal and class level , as very few ethnic Miao Silver as the ultimate development .

  29. 通过梳理陆军贵胄学堂的创办的历史背景和运行过程,以期对学堂教育、满汉关系、晚清政局等有进一步的认识。

    By combing the historical background of the founding of the Military School for Princes and Nobles and its operating processes , the author gets a further understanding on school education , the Manchu-Han relations , the political situation of the late Qing and so on .

  30. 在位第三年,为他一切首领臣仆设摆筵席,有波斯和玛代的权贵,就是各省的贵胄与首领,在他面前。

    In the third year of his rule he gave a feast to all his captains and his servants ; and the captains of the army of Persia and media , the great men and the rulers of the divisions of his kingdom , were present before him ;