
  1. 第二章简要介绍了札记体式的历史和清代札记体式繁荣的原因,重点总结了《读书杂志》的内容、条目构成以及条目之间的关系。

    Chapter 2 introduces in a brief way the history of note and the reasons for the flourish of the style of note in Qing Dynasty and focuses on the content , formation of note and relationship between notes .

  2. 本论文通过整理并厘清了《读书》杂志所处不同时代之文化语境流变,考察了《读书》杂志的办刊理念和编辑风格。

    Through clarifying and making clear the magazine 's social and cultural context which changed in different times , the paper aims to research the concept and editorial style of the magazine .

  3. 在苔丝来后的好几天里,克莱尔老是坐在那儿聚精会神地读书,读杂志,或者是读他刚收到的邮局寄来的乐谱,几乎没有注意到桌子上苔丝的出现。

    For several days after Tess 's arrival Clare , sitting abstractedly reading from some book , periodical , or piece of music just come by post , hardly noticed that she was present at table .