
dú zhě wén zhāi
  • Reader's Digest
  1. 每月一书俱乐部(Book-of-the-MonthClub)和文学行会(LiteraryGuild)都选中了它,《读者文摘》(Reader'sDigest)出版了它的缩略版。

    Both Book-of-the-Month Club and the Literary Guild made the novel one of their selections , and Reader 's Digest selected it for publication in condensed form .

  2. 华莱士二人都出生于牧师家庭,最初杂志叫“littlemagazine”,“读者文摘”是副标题,他们对文章有一个明确的要求——简短易读,但要有激励人心或是让人愉悦的效果,

    The Wallaces , both children of church ministers , had a clearly defined formula for their " little magazine " as Reader 's Digest was originally subtitled . Articles were to be short , readable and uplifting .

  3. 美国《读者文摘》公司(Reader'sDigestAssociation)昨日宣布,计划申请自愿破产,该公司成为广告业衰退的最新受害者之一。《读者文摘》曾是候诊室及中产阶级床头历史悠久的必备之选。

    Reader 's Digest turns to Chapter 11 Reader 's Digest Association , the venerable staple of doctors ' waiting rooms and middle-class bedside tables , yesterday announced plans for voluntary bankruptcy as it became the latest victim of the advertising recession .

  4. 但是出版商信息局(PIB)的资料显示,《读者文摘》的旗舰杂志广告收入去年下降了18.4%,今年头6个月再度下滑7.2%。

    But advertising revenue from the flagship magazine fell 18.4 per cent last year , and is down another 7.2 per cent in the first six months of this year , according to the Publishers Information Bureau .

  5. 《读者文摘》(亚洲版)2002年涉华报道研究

    The Study on China-related Reports in Reader 's Digest of 2002

  6. 以下的采访来自于读者文摘。

    The following is an interview given by Reader 's Digest .

  7. 下面两则笑话是从“读者文摘”来的;

    The following jokes are from " Reader 's Digest " .

  8. 他从《读者文摘》杂志上剪下一篇文章。

    He had dipped an article from the'reader 's digest ' .

  9. 我订了读者文摘杂志。

    I subscribe to " Reader 's Digest " magazine .

  10. 她常把《读者文摘》从头看到尾。

    She always reads the Reader 's Digest from cover to cover .

  11. 给我一本最近一期的读者文摘。

    Give me a current issue of Reader 's Digest .

  12. 而此时香烟正面临读者文摘的首次猛烈抨击。

    When cigarettes first got slammed by reader 's digest .

  13. 美国畅销杂志《读者文摘》在这里也可以买到。

    The popular American magazine Read-er 's Digest is also on sale .

  14. 美国《读者文摘》医学科普文章标题的启示

    Revelation form titles of popular medical science articles in American Reader 's Digest

  15. (译自《读者文摘》1980年9月号)

    ( From Reader 's Digest , Sep. 1980 )

  16. 你已经拿到《读者文摘》的第7期了吗?

    Have you got the July issue of Readers'Digest ?

  17. 《读者文摘》为全世界的人们带来欢笑。

    The world smiles with Reader 's Digest .

  18. 读者文摘:您的上一本书,书名叫永远向上看,是关于乐观的。

    RD : Your last book , Always Looking Up , was about optimism .

  19. 读者文摘:你有四个孩子,而且中间的两个孩子是双胞胎是吗?

    RD : You have four kids , with twin daughters in the middle .

  20. 他订阅《读者文摘》。

    He subscribed to Reader 's Digest .

  21. 《读者文摘》都是较长原著的缩写本。

    Each Reader 's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work .

  22. 《读者文摘》传播了这种知识,对我们区分各种证书的真伪很有帮助。

    Readers'Digest diffused the knowledge and helped us to discern false diplomas from genuine ones .

  23. 《读者文摘》是一种期刊。

    Reader 's digest is a periodical .

  24. 我在6岁的时候就把自己看作《读者文摘》的一员了。

    I thought myself as a Reader 's Digest member at the age of six .

  25. 《读者文摘》,一本通趣杂志,服务更有趣味的人群。

    Reader 's Digest Is A General Interest Magazine For People Who Are Generally More Interesting .

  26. 12期《读者文摘》已经合订成一厚册。

    The twelve issues of Reader 's Digest have been bound up into a thick volume .

  27. 我最喜欢的杂志是《读者文摘》,从中我学到了很多知识。

    The magazine that I like most is Reader 's Digest , I have learned a lot .

  28. 《读者文摘》这本杂志是以能深入浅出地为成百万读者讲解而著名的。

    The magazine , Reader 's Digest is famous for making complicated subjects understandable to millions of readers .

  29. 在香港有业务的国际书籍出版商包括牛津大学出版社、朗文、读者文摘和麦美伦。

    International Book Publishers operating in Hong Kong include Oxford University press , longman , readers digest and macmillan .

  30. 一些杂志,如《读者文摘》,就有用布莱叶盲文印的版本,甚至还出现了用布莱叶盲文的纸牌。

    There are magazines , such as Reader 's Digest , printed in braille . There are even playing cards in braille .