
  • 网络Yomiuri Giants
  1. 作为日本最有影响力的媒体高管,渡边恒雄一直在利用自己巨大的影响力,推进日本保守派的议程。此外,他还是该国最成功棒球队读卖巨人军(YomiuriGiants)的老板。

    The country 's most powerful media executive , who is also the force behind the Yomiuri Giants , the nation 's most successful baseball team , has wielded his enormous influence to promote a consistently conservative agenda .

  2. 在其办公室内,渡边恒雄接受了一次90分钟的采访。他的办公室宽敞但杂乱,堆满了书籍、报纸和读卖巨人军器材。他表示,他觉得自己有必要填补一个由政客留下的空白。

    In a 90-minute interview in his spacious but cluttered office , surrounded by books , piles of papers and Yomiuri Giants paraphernalia , Mr Watanabe says he felt compelled to step into a void left by politicians .