
dú shù
  • reading;indication;numerical reading;registration;playback;reading of scientifically instrument
读数 [dú shù]
  • [reading of scientifical instrument] 机器、仪表上的指针或其指示器所指示的刻度数目

读数[dú shù]
  1. 基于彩色信息的水表自动读数识别方法

    Method of Automatic Indication Recognition for Water-meter based on Color Image

  2. 本实用新型能对船舶的油位、水位进行快速、准确、连续地测量,并具有读数保持及多种报警功能。

    The utility model can continuously measure the oil level and the water level of ship rapidly and accurately , and has the indication keeping function and various warning functions .

  3. 温度计显示读数为32摄氏度。

    The thermometer registered 32 ˚ C.

  4. 温度计的读数是多少?

    What does the thermometer read ?

  5. 这个系统提供车辆速度的电子读数。

    The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle 's speed

  6. 数字显示的读数是正确的。

    The digital reading is right .

  7. 一星期后,再看一下水表,然后从第二次读数中减去第一次读数。

    A week later , read the water meter again and subtract the first reading from the second .

  8. 他们把包括从英国海军舰队19世纪的一次航行到现代自动化海洋探测器等各种渠道测量到的温度读数收集到一起。

    They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th century voyage of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes .

  9. 这种方法得出了一个读数,它说明了自上世纪九十年处家庭能源的使用是如何演化的。

    This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s .

  10. 定期气囊打气及进行血压读数

    The device periodically inflates the cuff and takes a blood pressure reading .

  11. 从开关读数,用LED显示。

    Readings from the switch , with LED display .

  12. 第二是说明分压式线性传感器及其测试系统在柴油机水力测功器磅秤读数P(公斤)测量上的应用。

    The second is the application of this sensor which is used for measuring the parame - ter P ( kq ) of Diesel .

  13. 使用了LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay)显示,使读数更清晰,显示多样化,信息量更大,更容易被用户接受。

    Using LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display ) that can make reading in focus , display variegated , information content greater .

  14. J6级光学经纬仪读数系统的故障判断和排除

    The judging and clearing of the trouble in the reading system of j_6 optical theodolite

  15. 应用CCD摄像和数字电子技术,研制了新型光电等厚干涉实验仪,不仅能将等厚干涉图像放大显示在监视器屏幕上,而且还可对图像进行数字化读数测量。

    Applied CCD camera and digital electronic technologies , a new photoelectric experimental instrument for equal thickness interference is developed .

  16. 这款名为Streams的应用程序收集了关键的生理测量信息,并在读数高或低时发出警报。

    The Streams app gathers information about key physiological measurers and warns when readings are high or low .

  17. 没能使感应元件需面对皮质可能会导致不准确的ICP读数。

    Failure to position the sensing element facing the cortex may result in inaccurate ICP readings .

  18. 该色度计的其中一项读数是RGB的绿色频带。

    This colorimeter reading item is RGB band green .

  19. 该色度计的读数是RGB方式。

    This colorimeter reading is in RGB mode .

  20. 汇丰发布的正式PMI指数从10月份的50.4降至11月份的50.0,这是6个月内的最低读数。

    The index fell from 50.4 in October to a six-month low of 50.0 .

  21. PRK及LASIK眼压读数修正值的研究

    A Study of revised value of IOP readings after PRK & LASIK

  22. LaCoste-Romberg(G)型重力仪读数系统的误差分析

    The error analysis of the reading system on LACOSTE-ROMBERG ( g ) gravimeter

  23. 介绍并口EPP模式控制的读数操作过程。

    The read process of parallel - port EPP mode controlled are introduced .

  24. 读取数据时,一般都靠人工观测操作或者AD采样数字化读数的方法,费时费力而且精度不够。

    The reading of it generally depends on manual observation operation or AD sampling digitization reading . This is insufficient in precision , and wastes both time and energy .

  25. 为了说明这些基本组件,我们将使用处理色度计(用三基色法读数测量颜色的设备)读数的应用程序中一段简单的XML片段。

    In order to illustrate these basic components , we will use a simple XML fragment from an application dealing with readings from colorimeters ( devices that measure colors using tri-stimulus readings ) .

  26. 提出过筛连通法并结合运用BP神经网络技术,解决了读数图像缺陷字符和相似字符的误识问题。

    The problems of reading defect characters of images and misrecognition of similar characters can be solved by a kind of sifting-connection algorithm and the application of BP neural network technique .

  27. 相比之下,今年5月的服务业PMI读数为53.2,。2015年迄今,该读数一直在53到54之间。

    It had been 53.2 in May , with readings of between 53 and 54 for 2015 so far .

  28. 物理参数包括CPU温度、内存与文件系统利用情况、接口利用、电压读数,以及其他物理值。

    Physical parameters range from the temperature of CPUs , utilization of memory and file system , interface utilization , and voltage reading , among other physical values .

  29. 提出了一种以线阵CCD固态传感器取代读数显微镜的航空相机镜头焦距测量系统。

    An auto measuring system of aerial camera lens is presented , which substitutes linear array CCD sensor for reading microscope to measure the focus of aerial camera lens .

  30. 电脑断层摄影所产生的CT读数(与诊断X射线的线性衰减系数有关)可以反映相关组织的电子密度。

    The basic yields of a CT scan , the CT numbers , are related to the attenuation coefficient of the diagnostic X-rays , actually reflect the electron densities of the individual tissue concerned .