
  1. 他能直觉地感到读者需要什么。

    He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanted .

  2. 读者需要自己去得出结论。

    The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions .

  3. 读者需要回答一些基本的问题:什么是UML?

    They needed answers to basic questions : What is UML ?

  4. 读者需要具备DB2和脚本的基本知识。

    A basic understanding of DB2 and scripting is required .

  5. 关于AdobeAIR,还有什么InfoQ读者需要知道的吗?

    What else do InfoQ readers need to know about Adobe AIR ?

  6. 我可以想像到读者需要对DB2和Oracle等相似产品的比较。

    I can imagine the need for product comparisons between similar products such as DB2 and Oracle .

  7. 本文读者需要具有Java开发经验,但是不必具有Eclipse或插件开发经验。

    This article is designed for those with Java development experience , but not necessarily experience in Eclipse or plug-in development .

  8. 读者需要对这些人物角色有些兴趣。

    The reader needs to feel some involvement with the characters .

  9. 他能直觉地感到读者需要什么。

    He had an intuitive sense of what the reader wanter .

  10. 中国读者需要好的新闻标题译本。

    Chinese readers have great demands for good news headline renditions .

  11. 适合读者需要额外的实践与技巧加固考试。

    Ideal for readers who need extra practice and skill reinforcement for exams .

  12. 读者需要的研究

    Study on the needs of readers

  13. 阐述了读者需要、作者需要、编者需要存在的形式。

    The thesis represents the existence form of the requirements of the readers , writers and editors .

  14. 辞书的实用性体现在能略充分提供读者需要了解和查考的知识内容上。

    Providing the full knowledge that readers need to understand and study can reflect the utility of the dictionary .

  15. 《现代汉英词典》就是一部可以满足广大学习英语和使用英语的读者需要的中型词典。

    Contemporary Chinese English Dictionary is a medium size dictionary for the readers who are learning and using the English language .

  16. 一定要记住,读者需要知道你的人物是怎样和其他那些类似的角色有所不同的。

    Remember the reader needs to know how your character is different from other people who might fall in the same category .

  17. 为了成功进行小说交际,作者和读者需要具备与这四种语境相关的语境知识。

    To carry out fictional communication successfully the author and the reader should share sufficient contextual knowledge about the four types of contexts .

  18. 学苑出版社规模不大,但能够提供一些读者需要的图书。

    The Academy Press is not a large publishing house . However , we can provide the books , which our readers need .

  19. 读者需要一种新的书籍形态&既能承载丰富的信息内容,又能传递精彩的信息形态。

    Readers require a new book style , which not only carry out rich information content , but also display the wonderful style .

  20. 你的读者需要了解为什么你所发现的是有用的以及它可以如何被应用于其他情况。

    Your reader needs to know why it is that what you have discovered is useful and how it might be applicable to other situations .

  21. 教学科研需要检索和下载国内外学术站点的学术文献,我国现阶段网络通讯的收费政策与读者需要支付网络流量费是一对矛盾。

    Teaching and researching work needs the frequent access to the academic websites home and abroad , and down load necessary academic documents from the websites concerned .

  22. 读者需要借助一句话周围的句子才能更好地理解这句话中所包含的词汇、语法以及其他成分的含义。

    It is the network of lexical , grammatical and other elements in sentences that require the reader to refer to the sentences around for their interpretation .

  23. 联系并不一定等于同意,但读者需要并期待被语言所触动,像弦乐器般被拨动。

    Connection is not necessarily the same as agreement , but the reader wants and expects to be touched by the words , plucked like a stringed instrument .

  24. 出版社、图书馆管理员和读者需要重新评估这个策略,归档系统,及其他资源,来解决互联网参考衰减以阻止进一步的信息丢失。

    Publishers , librarians , and readers need to reassess policies , archiving systems , and other resources for addressing Internet reference attrition to prevent further information loss .

  25. 现代心理语言学认为,阅读是一种主动的、复杂的心理活动,读者需要根据自己的已有知识经验对信息进行筛选、推测和确认的思维过程。

    Modern psycholinguists believe that reading is an active , complex mental activity , readers need to select information , speculation and confirmation according to their knowledge and experience .

  26. 通过与前译本视域融合,译者可以看到原来的译本是怎样理解原文并表达原文的,以及前译本是怎样满足读者需要。

    By fusing of horizons , the translator can learn how they understand the source text , how they express themselves and meet the demand of the target reader .

  27. 但由于读者需要保持绝对静止,在他们一字一句阅读电脑屏幕上的故事时,他们的头就被固定住了。

    But because the readers had to remain perfectly still , their heads were immobilized as they read the story one word at a time on a computer screen .

  28. 在这样一个过程中,读者需要能够主动地采取一定的策略,为自己构建一个良好的阅读环境,更快更好的完成阅读任务。

    In such a process , the readers need to use certain reading strategies so as to create a fine environment for reading and to finish reading tasks better and faster .

  29. 只有当中国诗学和意识形态变化达到一定程度,和合本不再满足读者需要时,才会有新的版本逐渐代替和合本。

    Only when Chinese poetics and ideology change so much that the CUV can not meet the reader s need , will it be taken place of by a new version gradually .

  30. 介绍《中国计划生育学杂志》在保持期刊特色、满足读者需要、提高刊物质量、扩大发行量等方面的一些具体做法和体会。

    The paper introduces the methods and experiences of keeping the journal characteristic , improving the journal quality , meeting the needs of readers and increasing of the circulation of Chinese Journal of Family Planning .