
  • 网络Title Word;Heading;Subject Heading
  1. 不过,这些标题词要力求总结出每个段落或相关段落的内容。

    Try to group related concepts in the same paragraphs or in adjacent paragraphs .

  2. 按逻辑顺序列出合同段落的标题词。

    Outline the contract by writing out and underlining paragraph headings in their logical order .

  3. 比如:劳动合同的标题词:引述语聘用职责期限赔偿

    For example , write an employment contract 's initial paragraph headings like this : Recitals . Employment . Duties . Term . Compensation .

  4. 各段落标题词的使用仅是为了方便,不能扩大或限制本协议条款的范围与实质内容。

    Paragraph headings are for convenience only and are not intended to expand or restrict the scope or substance of the provisions of this agreement .

  5. 合同的段落是按一定的逻辑顺序组织起来的,当然,你并不需要一下子列出所有段落的标题词,想到多少就写多少。

    The paragraphs should flow in logical , organized fashion . It is not necessary to write them all at once ; you can write them as you think of them .

  6. 标题词作为字典、百科全书或类似参书中词条标题的通常印为黑体或其它特别字体的词、词组或名字。

    A word , phrase , or name , usually set in boldface or other distinctive type , that serves as the heading for an entry in a dictionary , an encyclopedia , or a similar reference work .

  7. 标题用词与格式的动态考察

    The Dynamic Investigation of the Words and Forms of Title

  8. 一种商品标题主题词的重要性排序算法

    A Sorting Algorithm of the Importance of Keywords of a Commodity Title

  9. 从新闻标题用词及语法修辞方面来阐释新闻标题的关联性,能更好地创新新闻标题的创作。

    To elucidate the relevance of news headline from the diction and rhetoric can better innovate the creation of news headline .

  10. 汉语标题用词丰富,多来源,娱乐性强,句式多变,整体风格多样化;

    The Chinese headlines are characterized by their colorful diction , rich sources , entertaining quality , changeable sentence patterns and styles .

  11. 首先,利用词频分析法分别从标题用词、关键词、摘要用词等方面对力学期刊之间在内容上的相似度与区分度作了分析。

    Firstly , using word frequency analysis , based on the titles , keywords and abstracts of journals , the degree of its similarity and distinction were analyzed .

  12. 依据不同语体的需求原则结合实例总结出个语体独有的用词与结构特点;指出由于语体的交叉渗透,不同语体间标题用词与格式存在相似之处。

    According to the needs of the principles of various styles with examples summarized a unique characteristic of the words and formats ; noting that infiltrated the genre , various styles and formats between the title word similarities .

  13. 巧借古韵作新题&新闻标题中古诗词、成语和典故的运用手法

    Making News Headlines by Using Chinese Classic Poems , Proses and Allusions

  14. 英语广告标题的用词艺术

    Art in the word-selection of the English advertisement headline

  15. 英汉网络新闻标题中缩略词使用对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Abbreviations Used in Net News Headlines in English and Chinese

  16. 本文是自动编制中文标题的主题词轮排索引及自动抽词的续篇。在这篇文章中,我们专门地介绍了用电脑自动编制选取主题词时所需要的所谓部件词典的算法。

    This paper introduces the algorithm to auto-making of the dictionary of parts combining keywords . It is a continuation of " Autoindex on Chinese Documet Title " .

  17. 实验二采用事件相关方式确定中心词,结果表明,无论在标题相关陪衬词还是在事件相关陪衬词干扰下,事件相关中心词通达效果显著优于边缘词。

    Experiment 2 showed that with the title-related foils and the event-related foils interference , the access effect of central concept measured by event-relatedness significantly excelled peripheral concept .

  18. 本文分析了英语广告标题的用词特点。并指出,掌握英语广告标题的用词特点对于掌握英语广告标题的设计与创作,增强英语广告的促销作用有重要意义。

    This article analyses the characteristics of word choice in English advertising headlines , and points out that understanding of such characteristics is necessary for designing headlines and enhancing their selling power .

  19. 摘要标题和主题词都是公文格式的组成部分,它们都与公文主题有着密切联系,在公文中都起着十分重要的作用。

    Headings and key words are ingredients of the form of official documents and they both have close connection with the topic of the documents and thus play an important role in the handling process of the official document .

  20. 连书的标题《十个词搞定管理》(Managementin10Words)现在看起来都是赤裸裸的虚假推销。

    Even the title , Management in 10 Words , now seems like a blatant case of mis-selling .

  21. 标题中特殊汉字词的英译

    On Translating Some Key Chinese Words in Some Titles

  22. 我们会首先在结果里,特别是在结果的标题里面寻找搜索词。

    We scan the results looking first for the query , usually in the title of the results .

  23. 如果看到有趣的标题或特别的词,眼光就会停留,不过不停留在内容块上。

    Their eyes may fixate on an interesting headline or a stand-out word , but not on other content .

  24. 第四章结合了第三章的观点,通过具体英语广告实例对标题中的用词、句子结构、称谓模式、修辞格进行了阐述,分析了广告语言对广告效果的影响;

    The fourth chapter combines the viewpoints from the previous chapter third and explores the effect of the advertising English as a whole advertising process .

  25. 其次,在词汇层面,可根据硬新闻标题中所选用词的正式程度来辨别语域标志。

    Next , at the word level , register markers can be picked out easily in terms of the formality of words adopted in the HNH .

  26. 这个主标题下的主题词囊括了众多的电子音乐作品。以美学与听觉感受为前提,就其作品的内容而言,可以说它们已经确立了一种音乐风格或流派。

    This main heading within the Subject Index contains groups of electroacoustic works that can be claimed to form a musical genre or category by content , means , aesthetic or listening context .

  27. 省略是新闻标题句法上的显著特征。为了简洁,标题中的功能词大量删减。

    Ellipsis is a prominent feature at syntactical level . The functional words in news headlines are omitted for brevity .