
  • 网络standardized product;Standardised products
  1. 不断加剧的市场竞争、产品的多样化和顾客化迫使企业逐渐从传统的高度标准化产品的大规模生产向顾客化产品的小批量生产转移。

    The drastic competition of market , customization and variety of products have forced more and more companies to shift from mass production of highly standardized products to the batch production of customized products .

  2. 并对SDH网的传输特点及统一国际标准化产品作了进一步论述。

    In rail transit , and provides a transmission channel , and also studies further detailedly the trans-mission characteristic of SDH network and international standardized product .

  3. 亨利•福特曾率先设计出大规模生产标准化产品的系统,从而闻名于世。他可能会对戴尔在PC业务取得的成绩表示赞许。

    Henry Ford , famous for designing the first system capable of mass-producing a standardised product , would have approved of what Dell has already done to the PC business .

  4. 5425.02mg/100g(DM)和9040.45mg/100g(DM),表现出明显的部位差异,达不到标准化产品的质量要求。

    5425.02mg / 100g ( DM ) and 9040.45mg / 100g ( DM ) respectively . The differences in different ham parts were so significant that could not meet the quality requirement of the standardized product .

  5. 但标准化产品在全球市场营销中取得了实实在在的成功。

    But standardized product has achieved success in global marketing indeed .

  6. 标准化产品具有规模经济效应,降低产品成本。

    Standardization can cause economy of scale and lowered cost .

  7. 桥式起重机标准化产品库的建立

    Foundation of the Overhead Crane ′ s Product Storeroom

  8. 同时,标准化产品可以使顾客让渡价值最大化。

    Standardized product can maximize customer delivered value .

  9. 集成式供油装置结构紧凑,为我公司标准化产品,后续服务较好。

    Compact integrated oil supply structure is our standardized product with good after sales service .

  10. 最后,世界市场的不断同质化,也使标准化产品能在全球营销中取得成功。

    The globalization of markets makes it easy for standardized product to succeed in global marketing .

  11. 再次,标准化产品一般都具有统一品牌效应,在品牌竞争时代具有重要作用。

    Usually standardized product possesses uniform brand , which plays an important role in the era of brand competition .

  12. 从产品需求模式看,精益供应链与标准化产品、功能性产品匹配,敏捷供应链与定制化产品、创新性产品相匹配。

    Lean supply chain match with functional or standard products while agile supply chain with innovative or customized products .

  13. 非数字标准化产品则可以通过构建网络销售平台和创建网络分销店铺等策略来发展网络中间商。

    For non-digital standard products , they could building network distribution platform and create network shop to develop network middlemen .

  14. 从二次世界大战后市场营销逐渐进入全球阶段以来,标准化产品在全球市场营销中取得了巨大的成功。

    After World War II in the global phase of marketing , standardized product had achieved vast success in the global marketing .

  15. 同时对服务质量各因子、顾客满意和各类顾客忠诚间的关系进行探讨,对比分析购买标准化产品和个性化商品的顾客感知服务质量、顾客满意和各类顾客忠诚。

    Meanwhile , discuss the relationship among the factors of service quality , the customer satisfaction and all kinds of customer loyalty .

  16. 销售的产品是根据中国市场特点设计的标准化产品,而没有迎合欧洲需求进行生产,例如采用更高的安全标准。

    The products it distributed were standardised for China rather than made to cater for European demand , with such as higher safety standards .

  17. 而15000家生产标准化产品的企业主要依靠价格进行竞争,但他们占到销售总量的63%,同时提供了几乎一半的工作机会。

    A middle group of15000 firms making standardised products that compete mainly on price accounts for63 % of sales and nearly half of employment .

  18. 文章分析了聚合营销产品策略是客户化产品策略和标准化产品策略的聚合,对聚合营销的定义做出了新的解释。

    This paper has made the new explanation in definition of convergence marketing , then analyses that product strategy of Convergence Marketing is combining customerization and standard .

  19. 数字化产品主要是消除传统中间商,非数字标准化产品主要是发展网络中间商,非数字个性化产品主要是增强传统中间商的综合能力。

    Digital products are to eliminate traditional middlemen ; non-digital standard products are to develop the on-line middlemen , non-digital personalized products is to enhance the comprehensive ability of traditional middlemen .

  20. 大型跨国公司尝试从这些厂商那里以低价(低折扣)来采购一定数量的标准化产品,一些首席财务官尤其喜欢这种方式。

    Big multi-national companies try to get a bargain ( big discount ) from such a manufacturer and commit to the volume purchase as product standardization ( no more effective in Virtual Desktop era ) .

  21. 并对电路板进行一系列的调试,使之成为一款能满足多个不同市场、多个运用领域的低成本电视方案、并实现可大批量生产的标准化产品。

    By conducting a series of tests on circuit board , we could develop a standard product which can meet different market needs , apply in various fields , realize low-cost television resolutions , and achieving mass production .

  22. F的内容吻合:这些都是相当标准化的产品,但是很明显公司是想通过加大消费者和品牌之间的联系来进行一些改变。Thesearefairlystandarditems,说的是这些家用清洁产品。

    F These are fairly standard items , but clearly the company hopes to transform them by broadening the associations consumers have with the brand .

  23. 论述了该系统开发中涉及到的产品零部件和结构要素的标准化,产品设计流程的标准化工作。

    It involved standard of product itself , structure and the design process .

  24. 产品开发过程标准化对产品开发质量的影响

    Products Development Process Standardization Effection of Products Development Quality

  25. 标准化的产品通常比手工制品便宜。

    Standardized products are usually cheaper than handmade articles .

  26. 在安全方面,身份验证和隐私已基本标准化和产品化。

    Authentication and privacy are security issues that have been largely standardized and productized .

  27. 供会员国、公共卫生官员、媒体和公众使用的标准化信息产品。

    Standardized information products for Member States , public health officials , media and the public .

  28. 由于服务业并没有标准化的产品,因此,服务质量主要是通过顾客感知到的服务质量来评价的。

    Because of without standardized products in the service industry , customers mainly evaluate service quality through their feelings .

  29. 一直以来,戴尔简单却有效的商业理念就是将标准化电子产品直接销售给客户,通常是在网上进行。

    Dell 's simple but effective idea has been to sell standardised electronic products direct to customers , usually over the internet .

  30. 大市场要求下的农业产业应由相当规模的组织、灵敏的信息系统、标准化的产品等共同组成。

    Agricultural industry should have the corresponding scale , sensitive information system and standardized product etc , under the demand of market .