
  • 网络program music;programme music
  1. 大作曲家对标题音乐的见解(下)

    Program Music : Opinions of Major Composers (ⅱ)

  2. 流行音乐大多是标题音乐。

    Pop music be mostly program music .

  3. 李斯特是标题音乐的创始者,也是热情的倡导者。

    Liszt is both the theme music creator , and its enthusiastic advocator .

  4. 标题音乐(旨在以音乐表现某情节、图像等)。

    Programme music ( music intended to suggest a story , picture , etc )

  5. 交响乐通常都是无标题音乐。

    Usually Symphony be absolute music .

  6. 在交响曲创作上,柴科夫斯基在旋律写作、标题音乐、配器方面都有了新的发展。

    Relating to the creation of symphony , Tchaikovsky made development on melody composing , title music and orchestration .

  7. 以便于多层次、多角度的把握浪漫主义钢琴标题音乐的形式和内容。

    So that in a multi-level , multi-angle grasp the form and content of the music of the Romantic Piano title .

  8. 标题音乐作为这种思潮在音乐领域的代表,在此时得到发展并成熟。

    Programme music is such a thought in the effects of music field representative , obtaining development and maturation at this moment .

  9. 第三首乐曲也是一首标题音乐,与第二首不同,这是一首描绘景色的作品。

    The third piece of music is also a title music , but it is different with the second , which painted landscape .

  10. 他的创作以标题音乐见长,旋律优美抒情、音乐语言丰富多彩、配器华丽而富有新意。

    He is expert in program music and the melody in his music is lyric and elegant , rich and colorful music language as well as gorgeous orchestration with rich originality .

  11. 爱德华。阿尔比的戏剧《动物园的故事》犹如一支交响曲,它有着主题音乐般的结构,还有标题音乐的一些特点;

    Edward Albee 's play The Zoo Story is compared in the discussion to a symphony , one that bears the structural feature of theme music and some features of program music .

  12. 生于匈牙利的李斯特独创了一种标题音乐-交响诗。这种体裁后又被,称作“音诗”,李斯特的即为一例。

    Liszt , born in hungary , originated a type of program music , the symphonic poem later known as a tone poem also , and " les preludes " is an example .

  13. 在宏观方面:首先,对三首《随想曲》的创作背景和意图进行概述;其次,简要介绍随想曲体裁的特点;最后,对标题音乐与无标题音乐的特性作简要概述。

    At the macro aspects : First , summarize creative background and intentions of the three " Capriccio "; briefly introduce the characteristics of Capriccio ; and finally , briefly summarize features of the title music and no title music .

  14. 李斯特将自己的创作手法和对内心情感的抒发游刃有余的展现在这部作品里,把标题音乐这种新颖的音乐形式完美地呈现在我们面前,对其发展和成熟,起到了重要的推动作用。

    The works showed us the creation and inner emotional expression of Liszt clearly , he also showed us the title music as a novel music form perfectly . It played an important role in promoting the development and maturity of the title music .

  15. 第一首乐曲创作于1990年,为无标题音乐,在这首乐曲中运用了大量不协和的音响、多变的节奏及复杂的调性调式,可看出作曲家内心的矛盾与郁闷。

    The first piece of music written in 1990 , as the absolute music , in this song he used a large number of non-Concorde sound , changed the tone of the rhythm and complexity of modal , so we can see the inner contradictions and depressed composer .

  16. 纯音乐的人文内蕴和标题性音乐的非文学性指向

    Music and Literature : Cultural Connotations in Absolute Music and Non-Literary Nature in Program Music

  17. 通过分析《幻想交响曲》第一乐章引子部分的和声、配器、织体和结构,来探讨标题交响音乐的表现手法。

    This article attempts to make a research on the device of Title Symphony on analyzing the harmony , instrumentation , texture and structure on the introduction to Movement One of Symphonie Fantastique .

  18. 里曼通过对音乐三类要素的论述,事实上是阐述了他对于音乐的本质、音乐的形式与内容,以及对于标题性音乐这一音乐特殊形式的根本观点。

    Through the discussion to the three music elements , in fact , he elaborates on the nature of music , musical form and content , as well as the fundamental viewpoints for the title music , a special music form .