- 名Arguments;case in point

This is a major hassle , although you normally only need to install each different DTD once .
I believe this is the crux of the whole argument .
The point at issue is whether we go to the party .
47.The issue of this action is the date of the contract .
These issues could be effectively aired through an exchange of documents .
The argument for a brain-mapping initiative isn 't that different from the Human Genome Project .
The lack of disclosure of data at certain reactors has become a point of contention at Tepco 's briefings with reporters .
Discrepancies between Book Value of Transferred Assets and Pending Transaction Value ; These issues could be effectively aired through an exchange of documents .
When deciding our view on a contentious point , we conveniently forget what jars with our own theory and remember everything that fits .
Rituals and ceremonies as a paramount sign of culture for us to known , the speaker 's point of contention might have merits in two respects .
It insures that you 're efficiently designing the total application , thereby eliminating critical bottlenecks and defects before they become larger issues later in your development timetable .
Brief Analysis about the Reason Capturing the Black Sea Channel between England and Russia at the Beginning of 19th Century-Reading Engels ' 《 in Turkey 's True Struggle Argument 》
The debate about guns is no longer over whether assault rifles ought to be banned , but over whether guns should be allowed in bars , churches and colleges .
The individual inclinations will be rationally optimized , and the cognitive information of individual inclinations , subjective assignment and subject system of preferences are adjusted to solve the disagreements as much as possible .
This chapter introduces the three debate focus of " school decentralization ": rural primary and secondary school leadership system construction dispute , city schools subject argument and rural primary and the debate of secondary school curriculum .
The first section , revolving around four points of contention between Davidson and Dummett , that is theoretical starting point , radical interpretation or not , attitude toward the principle of bivalence and kernel concept choice , offers a thorough analysis .
In any proceedings in which the court has jurisdiction under this ordinance , the issues shall be determined in accordance with the law which would be applicable thereto if both parties were domiciled in Hong Kong at the time of the proceedings .
The debate over the wolves ' influence on the elk is fanning a long-standing argument over the proper way to manage Yellowstone 's elk . Thus , adequate notice of the other side 's contentions is an essential prerequisite to fair and effective adjudication .
In this part , firstly enumerating the connotation of the dual labor relations that academic point of debate , introduced different concepts of dual labor relations in academic community , and determines concrete connotation and denotation of dual Labor relationship which this paper research .
The issue has polarized congress ( into two groups ) .
Most of its issues are still undecided among Christians to this day .
It is pointless to argue with him .
The composition of the peacekeeping force , and whether it would include non-African troops , remains a point of contention with the government of sudan .
Konnedy argued that , while passing judgement on a story 's news value , editors must also decide whether its publication would be in " the nation 's interest . "
You could argue , well , x is in some sense inherently a method , but it 's not nearly as clean as what I would like .
The matter at hand ; the point at issue .
Just how big a turning point in this dispute has this weekend violence been ?
And I only have five minutes left , so I can 't argue that point today .
You claim that you were somewhere else at the time . Well , we won 't quarrel with that .
So what is at stake in this quarrel between Socrates and the poetic tradition ? that he alludes to ?