
zhēng lùn bù xiū
  • an endless debate;argue endlessly;lock horns;enter into endless arguments
争论不休[zhēng lùn bù xiū]
  1. 究竟基层税务人员应该具备哪些从业能力,这些能力之间的关系如何,在税务系统内部和理论界尚处于争论不休,莫衷一是的层面。

    What occupation abilities the basic taxation staff would be provided with and how the relations between these abilities have been an endless debate in taxation system and theoretical sphere .

  2. 公司与工会就减薪计划争论不休。

    The company has locked horns with the unions over proposed pay cuts .

  3. 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的问题。

    Race has always been a hot button in this country 's history .

  4. 他们仍在为第一个进球争论不休。

    They were still arguing the toss about the first goal

  5. 委员会成员一整天都在为决议的最终措词争论不休。

    Council members spent the day quibbling over the final wording of the resolution

  6. 这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。

    Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics

  7. 双方大部分时间都在围绕程序问题争论不休。

    The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems

  8. 经理们内部一直争论不休。

    The directors have been arguing among themselves .

  9. 法官们就如何处理该案一直争论不休。

    The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of .

  10. 我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费时间为预算问题争论不休。

    I went into medicine to care for patients , not to waste time bickering over budgets

  11. 用不着为这些小事争论不休。

    There 's no need to keep arguing about such triflings .

  12. 他俩争论不休,你去圆圆场吧。

    Go and act as a mediator in their endless argument .

  13. 双方大部分时间都在围绕程序问题争论不休

    The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems .

  14. 例句我爸爸和哥哥昨晚为哥哥能不能开这辆车的事争论不休。

    My father and brother locked horns last night over whether my brother could use the car !

  15. 但是,约束C原则的性质,以及该原则是否实际存在,不少理论专著依然争论不休。

    However , the nature and the existence of Principle C in the BT have been debated on extensively in the theoretical literature .

  16. 数据管理听起来可能像是一个枯燥的领域,统计学家和电脑程序员对着P值和太字节(TB)级的数据争论不休。

    Data management might sound like a dry field , where statisticians and computer programmers haggle over terabytes and p-values .

  17. 5年多来,人们一直在争论不休:谷歌(Google)到底是不是一家媒体公司?

    For more than half a decade , people have been debating whether Google is a media company .

  18. 尽管这个短语首次付梓见于卓南的作品,可longtime,nosee的确切起源却一直是语言学家和历史学者争论不休的对象。

    While Drannan 's book was the first time this exact phrase appears in print , the exact origins of long time , no see are the subject of ongoing debate among linguists and historians .

  19. 尽管这个短语首次付梓见于卓南的作品,可“longtime,nosee”的确切起源却一直是语言学家和历史学者争论不休的对象。

    While Drannan 's book was the first time this exact phrase appears in print , the exact origins of " long time , no see " are the subject of ongoing debate among linguists and historians .

  20. 雅典的政客们争论不休,有可能使欧洲债务危机升级,对希腊、欧盟(EU)乃至世界经济整体产生严重后果。

    Squabbling by rival politicians in Athens threatens to escalate the European debt crisis , with grave consequences for Greece , the European Union and the world economy as a whole .

  21. 今春的大部分时间,苹果(Apple)的专项记者们争论不休,焦点集中在苹果预计今年9月份将发布的新一代iPhone究竟该如何命名。

    For much of the spring , the reporters who cover apple ( AAPL ) have been arguing among themselves about what to call the new iPhone they expect the company to introduce in September .

  22. 关于英语存在句的一些语言现象,例如there的语法功能与含义,句中的主语和NP的存在量等问题,语言学家们一直争论不休。

    Linguists have been arguing about some language phenomena in English existential sentence , such as the grammatical function and meaning of there , the subject in the sentence and NP quantification .

  23. 李泰植暗示,韩国会在争论不休的开城(Kaesong)问题上表现出一些新的灵活性,开城是韩国设在朝鲜的工业园区。

    Mr Lee hinted that South Korea could show some new flexibility over the vexed issue of Kaesong , its industrial park in North Korea .

  24. 每组中6只大鼠实验开始2h后注射50mg/kg伊万斯蓝(EB)。自玛丽·安·伊万斯用乔治·爱略特这个男性化笔名开始创作以来,人们对她本人,她的观点以及作品的主题都一直争论不休。

    Ever since Mary Ann Evans began her career as a writer under the male pseudonym " George Eliot ", there has been an incessant argument about the writer George Eliot , her viewpoint and the themes of her works .

  25. 由于曾经一度作为可注射的填充材料的液体石蜡与液体硅胶,都出现了较多并发症,所以对于PAHG注射隆乳的安全性一直争论不休。

    Simultaneously , former injectable filling materials , represented by liquid paraffin and liquid silicone , was refused because of their high complication rates .

  26. 目前,世界各地已经有超过6万名治疗师获得了EMDR治疗认证,但人们对这种疗法一直存在争议,批评者和支持者对每一项新研究正确与否都争论不休。

    More than 60,000 therapists around the world have now been certified in E.M.D.R. , though the practice remains controversial , with critics and supporters debating the validity of each new study .

  27. 学术研究的功利性和超功利性一直是学术研究领域争论不休的一个话题。

    The utilitarian and super-utilitarian in academic research are disputed topics .

  28. 让别人去为小事情争论不休,而不是你。

    Let others argue over small things , but not you .

  29. 尽管分子层面引发老年痴呆的原因还争论不休,

    While the molecular causes of Alzheimer 's are still debated ,

  30. 我兄弟总为房子的事和我争论不休。

    My brother are always arguing with me about the house .