
  • 网络disk storage;Disk-to-Disk
  1. 当处理大数据量XML数据时,首要的是为之建立行之有效的磁盘存储结构。

    The principal problem is to build effective disk storage structure when processing large XML dataset .

  2. DB2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。

    DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects .

  3. 一种基于PCI总线的缓存磁盘存储控制卡的设计及实现

    Design and implementation of a PCI based DCD memory controller

  4. 为解决磁盘存储中的小写问题,本文研究了一种新的层次Cache结构。

    To improve the small write performance of disk storage , the paper studies a new hierarchical cache .

  5. 例如,一些应用程序需要大量磁盘存储而无需很大CPU功率。

    For example , some applications require a lot of disk storage but not a lot of CPU power .

  6. 但是,实际情况并非总是如此;所有UNIX变体都支持网络磁盘存储。

    This isn 't always the case , though ; all UNIX variants support network disk storage .

  7. 这些系统使用的SAN磁盘存储是IBMDS8100。

    The SAN disk storage for these systems was an IBM DS8100 .

  8. 此引擎中主要包含存储引擎接口、并行批量线性Hash索引模块、磁盘存储缓冲等部分。

    This storage engine mainly includes storage engine interface , parallel batch linear hash index module and disk buffer .

  9. 除非使用的内存是非易失性的,RAM磁盘存储的数据丢失的计算机时关闭。

    Unless the memory used is non-volatile , a RAM disk loses the stored data when the computer is shut down .

  10. 同步复制有两种可用的实现方法:磁盘存储复制和DB2HighAvailabilityDisasterRecover(HADR)。

    Synchronous replication is available in two implementation methods , disk storage replication and DB2 High Availability Disaster Recover ( HADR ) .

  11. 大公司已开始采用SAN,将大型的磁盘存储阵列连到局域网上的群集服务器。

    Large corporations are beginning to use SANs storage area networks to connect large disk storage arrays to the clustered servers on the local network .

  12. 因为云计算是虚拟化的,所以全部CPU、内存和磁盘存储的一部分被分配给每个用户请求。

    Because cloud environments are virtualized , a fraction of the total CPU , memory , and disk storage is allocated to each user request .

  13. 磁盘存储复制利用专门的存储硬件和/或软件在辅助位置上执行主DB2服务器的同步磁盘写。

    Disk storage replication utilizes special storage hardware and / or software to perform synchronous disk writes of a primary DB2 server at a secondary location .

  14. 内部磁盘存储池将使用预定义的DISKdevclass

    Internal Disks Storage Pool will use the predefined devclass called DISK

  15. 为了确保可用性,存储节点与RAID控制器集成,RAID控制器连接底层的磁盘存储。

    To enable availability , the storage nodes are integrated with RAID controllers which interface with the underlying disks storage .

  16. 介绍了一种新的磁盘存储体系结构PRCD(prefetchingRAMcachingdisk,预取主存缓冲磁盘技术)。

    This paper presents a novel disk storage architecture called PRCD ( prefetching RAM caching disk ) .

  17. DB2行压缩功能可以减少磁盘存储需求,同时改进执行全表扫描的大量查询的顺序读取访问。

    DB2 row compression features can decrease disk storage requirements while at the same time improve sequential read access of large queries which perform full table scans .

  18. 稀缺的DRM资源CPU、磁盘存储等相互争用以满足每个用户的资源需求。

    Scarce DRM resources CPU , disk storage and , so on compete with one another to fulfill each user 's resource needs .

  19. 随着RAM和磁盘存储设备成本的降低,在软件开发商中间存在这样一个倾向,不再顾及应用程序的大小。

    As the cost of RAM and disk storage has decreased , there has been a growing trend among software developers to disregard the size of applications .

  20. 在未来五年中,IDC预计磁盘存储系统的收入将以7.1%的复合增长率增长。

    Over the next five years , IDC projects that disk storage systems will register a7.1 % CAGR in terms of revenue .

  21. 在容量规划需要做出有关CPU数量的正确决定时,它也涉及到将CPU信息与每一个系统所购买的内存和磁盘存储数量相平衡。

    While capacity planning involves making sound decisions about the number of CPUs , it also involves balancing the CPU information with the amount of memory and disk storage purchased for each system .

  22. 该PVR数字机顶盒的核心技术是文件系统:在嵌入式系统中实现了大容量磁盘存储。

    The core of PVR digital STB is the file system : the implementation of big capacity storage in HDD based on an embedded system .

  23. 幸运的是,在向磁盘存储并从中检索对象时,可以依靠db4o的别名特性创建一个shuffle步骤。

    Fortunately , you can rely on db4o 's alias feature to create a shuffle step while storing and retrieving objects to / from disk .

  24. 整个应用包括JNI调用模块、HDFS源代码插件模块、Infiniband网络通信模块,Block控制管理模块以及磁盘存储管理模块。

    The entire application includes JNI call module , HDFS source code plug-in modules , the Infiniband network communications module , Block control management modules and disk storage management module .

  25. 实现我们介绍的三个主要特性&设计压缩、文档压缩和DAOS,您就可以影响磁盘存储要求和整个操作成本。

    Implementing the three main features we outlined , design compression , document compression , and DAOS , can significantly affect your disk storage requirements and your overall operational costs .

  26. 这个设置控制NSF缓冲池的大小,后者是用于缓冲NIF索引函数与磁盘存储之间的I/O传输的一部分内存。

    This setting controls the size of the NSF buffer pool , a section of memory dedicated to buffering I / O transfers between the NIF indexing functions and disk storage .

  27. 它依赖于穿孔卡片和纸带而且还使用廉价的磁盘存储(总量为1MB)。

    It relied on punched cards and paper tape but also used inexpensive disk storage ( 1MB total ) .

  28. 729A编解码算法实现了语音信号压缩编解码,16∶1的高压缩率,与传统方法(8∶1)相比,节省了50%磁盘存储空间。

    729A coding arithmetic . Comparing with compression ration of 8 to 1 , it saves 50 % of space of magnetic disk by compression ratio of 16 to 1 .

  29. 本文通过对某证券公司的磁盘存储系统的需求进行分析,结合现有的RAID技术,提出了一种高效可靠的基于RAID的磁盘存储系统方案,并详细介绍了如何实现该方案。

    This paper analyzed the need of one stock certificate company 's disk storage system , joining together the current technique of RAID . put forward an efficient and dependable project of the disk storage system Based on RAID combining detailed introduction how to realize that project .

  30. 由磁盘存储设备汇报的分配失败的数目

    The number of allocation failures reported by the disk storage device