
  1. 我们在自然生活馆(NaturalLivingCenter)下了车,一名保安在停车场指挥大巴进进出出。

    We got off at the Natural Living Center , where a guard was directing buses in and out of the parking lot .

  2. 结合咖啡与单车的生活馆。

    Coffee and bicycle shop ! Who could ask for more ?

  3. 《怡心美居,家居生活馆。》。

    Yixin Mercure , home life museum .

  4. 该马格南照片图书馆是一个生活馆每日更新与新的工作,来自全球各地。

    The Magnum Photos library is a living archive updated daily with new work from across the globe .

  5. 论庭藤种综内分类群间的变异相关性与分类地位宽庭生活馆

    A further study on the correlations of variance and taxonomic ranks between taxa of Indigofera Decora spacious courtyard living place

  6. 2006年,随着全球健康、环保意识的抬头,他与乐活城目前的几位股东,一起集资成立了乐活城有机健康生活馆,并又一次开始从无到有的创业过程。

    In2006 as the Healthy and Environmental are begin prevailing the world , he and some of Lohaocity Stockholders founded Lohaocity Organic Market Co. , Ltd , and started his another career from nothing .

  7. 现在,一些豪宅业主干脆彻底将餐厅的空间设计成了藏书室、小书房和偶尔作为就餐区的生活馆。

    Now , some luxury home owners are eliminating their dining rooms altogether , instead using the space for libraries , dens and ' living pavilions ' & in which dinner may sometimes be served .

  8. 现在,一些豪宅业主干脆彻底将餐厅的空间设计成了藏书室、小书房和偶尔作为就餐区的“生活馆”。

    Now , some luxury home owners are eliminating their dining rooms altogether , instead using the space for libraries , dens and ' living pavilions ' -- in which dinner may sometimes be served .

  9. 论证的主要问题:馆职词臣的职业生活及馆阁翰苑的学术与艺术气氛;

    The main problems it studies and investigates are : the professional life of the librarian and the academician and artistic surroundings of RoyalBibliotheca ;

  10. 塔里木油田生活基地游泳馆暖通空调设计

    HVAC system design for swimming pool in Tarim Oil Field Living Base

  11. 对我来说,这是最完美的训练方式,因为如果你不得不生活在训练馆,你的生活就只剩下了一个空间。

    For me , it 's perfect because if you 'd have to live at a training center , I kind of think you 'd end up one-dimensional .

  12. 她说:"如果人们过着正常的生活,这些咖啡馆就不存在了。"。

    " If people had normal lives , these cafes wouldn 't exist , " she says .

  13. 中央生活与就餐区——洛根称之为“生活馆“——是一个面积为1200平方英尺(约合111平方米)的房间,带有15英尺(约合4.57米)高的壁炉和可以眺望大提顿公园和远处的黄石公园(Yellowstone)

    The central living and dining space -- what Mr. Logan calls ' the living pavilion ' -- is a 1200-square-foot room with a 15-foot fireplace and walls of windows looking out at the Tetons and distant Yellowstone .

  14. 第三章从生活方式、消费者、企业三者之间的关系来探讨生活方式在营销中的作用,并引出生活馆这一主题概念。

    The third chapter from the lifestyle , consumers and businesses to explore the relationship between the role of lifestyle marketing , and leads to life the theme of the concept of museum .