
  • 网络Folk Museum;CofM
  1. 穿着一件配有刺绣花朵装饰传统哥萨克白色礼服的安娜·戈勒温正在休息,她是在附近海滩的俄罗斯民间博物馆工作。

    Wearing a traditional Cossack white dress embellished with embroidered flowers , Ina Golovin is taking a break from her job working in a Russian folk museum near the beach .

  2. 去年在美国民间艺术博物馆展出他的大部分画后,一个以前并不知晓的工作被发现了。

    After a major New York exhibit of his drawings last year at the American Folk Art Museum , a cache of previously unknown work was discovered .